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English #58 questions

So everytime I think my RAD's under control I find something new:

Todays find ( pre-cleanup )


Now questions, is it rhodium plated or not ???

I've found different answers and found references to chrome/rhodium.

It looks too shiny pre-cleanup to be nickel but then again maybe that's just the English quality compared with the US. :001_tongu

What's the answer ????
I'd be interested to hear about this type as well. A cased version is close to the top of my 'must have' list.

The razor is nickel plated but I have often thought that the doors are in fact rhodium plated. Not 100% sure if that is the fact.
The razor is nickel plated but I have often thought that the doors are in fact rhodium plated. Not 100% sure if that is the fact.

After cleanup I think if I compare it to the #16 and #21 vs Fatboy and Slim, then the doors certainly look Rhodium ( kids agree and they're such experts...NOT ) .

Handle....not sure, to me still shinier than the US nickels...but maybe not as shiney as the #16..

The ads on Mr Razors site for the #58 , one doesn't mention anything, another states "nickel plated razor" but surely they'd "crow" about Rhodium Doors, but then again if I look at the #16 ad on Mr Razors site it doesn't mention Rhodium at all, just that it comes in a nickel plated case......... go figure.............!!!!!!!!

I'm sure someone on B&B will know the definitive answer :001_smile
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The razor is nickel plated but I have often thought that the doors are in fact rhodium plated. Not 100% sure if that is the fact.


Handle....not sure, to me still shinier than the US nickels...but maybe not as shiney as the #16..

The ads on Mr Razors site for the #58 , one doesn't mention anything, another states "nickel plated razor" but surely they'd "crow" about Rhodium Doors, but then again if I look at the #16 ad on Mr Razors site it doesn't mention Rhodium at all, just that it comes in a nickel plated case......... go figure.............!!!!!!!!


all what I know is from this 1956 Ad:
I've compared my #58 to all the other vintage gillettes I have and the doors are definitely shinier. Whether it's rhodium I don't know but there's a big difference.
My 0.02
And here's the ad for both the #16 and #22.

#16 - "The highly-polished nickel plated case"......
#22 - "Heavily plated Aristocrat" .............

Not one mention of Rhodium anywhere on the ad................


If Achim can't answer the question, what chance do we have...............???? :biggrin1:
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All this talk about the English #58 persuaded me to use it for this morning's shave. Not only is the #58 a looker, it has nice heft and perfect balance. Paired with a Gillette Yellow and Tabac soap, I got an irritation free BBS shave and loved every minute of it.
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