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England,France,Germany or Italy Who Reigns Supreme?

So who produces the best shaving supplies? If you had asked me a few years ago I would have said England. Each of these countries deserves respect in their own right. But for me Germany is the overall winner here. Between my Merkur HD,Shavemac brush,Speick, and of course Tabac Germany is tough to beat. But I do love and use products from all these countries. What are your thoughts?
Too tough to call, based on scents I say England, but I would never want to not have something from each country in my rotation.
This is really difficult to me. England has the absolute best in terms of software and brushes in my opinion, but I don't know that I'd give them the edge over Germany.
Germany dominates in terms of soap, but England wins brushes hands down.

Can we call razors a draw?

Razors? I like Solingen steel the best, but I disagree with the German soap comment. Czech & Speake makes the best soap on the market IMHO. Combine that with CF, Harris, Trumpers, and others, I think they are on top of the soap/cream pile.

Besides the Moos and Tabac, what great (this is relative as I don't regard them nearly as highly as many here) German soaps are out there?
Razors? I like Solingen steel the best, but I disagree with the German soap comment. Czech & Speake makes the best soap on the market IMHO. Combine that with CF, Harris, Trumpers, and others, I think they are on top of the soap/cream pile.

Besides the Moos and Tabac, what great (this is relative as I don't regard them nearly as highly as many here) German soaps are out there?

Speick. I will concede that British scents are so vastly superior it isn't even fair, but you can't beat German performance.

As far as I know, they have the only 3 mass produced tallow soaps out there.

And the Brits definitely have the cream world cornered. I love some T&H Trafalgar and Pens BB/Opus 1870
Canada! I don't think we make any shaving products.
but I'd be a bad Canadian if I didn't vote for us.

actually, I use Proraso pre cream, Taylors Cream and a Merkur Futur.

so, I guess all three are good. It's hard to choose a favourite.

I'll go with England.
Deutschland Uber Alles! :biggrin1:
They make the best razors, that's for sure. And probably good brushes as well. Shavemac or HJM brushes.
As for software, I think they have the best "no-nonsense" products. Palmolive Stick & creams, Nivea, Florena, Kaloderma, Kappus, Tabac, Irisch Moos, and my personal favorite:SPEICK! The entire Speick line is fabulous IMHO.
The blades aren't great though. My compliments for the fine Russian factory ;)
I'll put Italy on second place. Some great soaps are made in Italy!
Speick. I will concede that British scents are so vastly superior it isn't even fair, but you can't beat German performance.

As far as I know, they have the only 3 mass produced tallow soaps out there.

And the Brits definitely have the cream world cornered. I love some T&H Trafalgar and Pens BB/Opus 1870

I forgot about Speick, but I couldn't disagree more about the performance of the German products. I've had (and still do) them all, and I don't use any of them based on performance. In fact, I like the scent of Tabac and Speick quite a bit, and I never reach for them because I have a lot of products that perform much better IME.

So, does Czeck and Speake not count as mass produced tallow soaps? Williams does :001_tt2:
Whereas I fully agree that England, Germany, France, and Italy produce excellent shaving products, there are top notch offerings from other places in the world:

Japan (Feather), Russia (Iridium, Astra, etc.), Spain (Floid), USA (Mama Bear), ...
Besides the Moos and Tabac, what great (this is relative as I don't regard them nearly as highly as many here) German soaps are out there?

Muehle, Gold Dachs, Olivia from Germany and StoBa from Austria, to mention few high-end soaps from German speaking area that can stand up with best.

Overall, they may not have the snobbish aura around them as UK high end soaps and creams but they are up there with quality, if not better in many cases.

This does mean I am ready to declare winners... Simply, lots of great products come from too many countries to blindly look at one being supreme over other.

OTOH, looking at cities and the local offerings, I am fascinated by London and would be willing to declare it a capital of the shaving world.

p.s. I am not big fan of Tabac either.
Muehle, Gold Dachs, Olivia from Germany and StoBa from Austria, to mention few high-end soaps from German speaking area that can stand up with best.

Overall, they may not have the snobbish aura around them as UK high end soaps and creams but they are up there with quality, if not better in many cases.

This does mean I am ready to declare winners... Simply, lots of great products come from too many countries to blindly look at one being supreme over other.

OTOH, looking at cities and the local offerings, I am fascinated by London and would be willing to declare it a capital of the shaving world.

p.s. I am not big fan of Tabac either.

I'd really like to try the Gold Dachs
Can we broaden this to say the United Kingdom? I hate to incite any highland anger by excluding that great Castle Forbes shave cream!
As an Englishman it pains me to say it but, it's got to be either France or Germany. I love my straights and it's a huge shame that nobody is producing straights in this country particularly shameful considering the history of Sheffield. France has TI and Germany Dovo so one of them has to be winner in the shaving stakes - I reckon Germany has the edge.
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