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Engagement Rings

If you've gotten married in the past two years, what did you pay for a ring, and what did you get for it (weight, clarity, color, cut)?

I'm shopping around and was curious.
Got married the day after Christmas a year ago. Paid 1500.00 for a platinum tiffanys ring with a decent diamond for my wife.

Looks like this (but not gold)

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I would just buy what you can afford, avoid having to finance an engagement ring.

I purchased this from blue nile... the bands that surround it were made locally.

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Definately buy what's affordable..trust me you'll be getting your wife/fiancé more expensive things down the road :lol:
Definately buy what's affordable..trust me you'll be getting your wife/fiancé more expensive things down the road :lol:

Yeah they like to push hard for financing, but being a near broke college student I have the good luck to not qualify for financing anyway.
my wife didn't want a diamond (she was very influenced after watching blood diamond) so i got her a sterling band that around one half says, "i am my beloved's" and around the other half, "my beloved is mine". she was more impressed by the thought i put into it than anything else. it ended up being $50. she picked her wedding ring out-- it was a very thin sterling band with a small design... $6.

on the other hand, my tungsten ring was $100. :lol:
I lucked out -- I got hold of an heriloom ring that was her great-great-grandmother's. Its exactly the ring she always imagined.

It only cost me a conversation with her mother and about a hundred bucks for resizing and cleaning up!
How did you get rid of the ring? Or did you just hold on to it?

:lol: You have missed my point. I'm still engaged, I still have the love of my life and she still has the ring. Your thread is titled engagment rings but your OP asks about folks who have got married in the last 2 years hence the question. :lol:
My wife didn't really want a diamond either, so I got her a ring with a Ruby in it. (Her birth stone) That's her wedding band, her engagement ring is a simple silver bad with Hebrew letters engraved and blackened saying "I am my beloved's and my beloved's is mine".($50-$60) I have a matching one on my right hand, and a simple plain gold band on my left. Buy what you can afford, that's what we've done and couldn't be happier (almost 5 years in! whoohoo!):thumbup1: Live today like no one else (debt minimal/free) so tomorrow you can live like no one else! (high on the hog as it were!)


How did you get rid of the ring? Or did you just hold on to it?

It sounds like he's still engaged.

I got my wife (married last October) a princess cut 3 stone ring set in white gold (no yellow and platinum is too expensive). I did all the research and set out like I knew my stuff and I wanted a top of the line stone. Then I hit the stores and honestly just picked the one I thought she would like the best (and that I could afford). I think it's close to 3/4 carat, F color, SI1. I didn't break the bank (I think it was around 4k) and it looks really nice after it's cleaned.

I was trying to work the Blood Diamond angle too, then she heard about non-conflict stones.:001_rolle

I see the heirloom option is mentioned as well. If you're gf likes the antigue rings, hit up some auctions and you can get an old ring cheap. You can then buy a loose stone from bluenile and take it to a local jeweler to set it.
My only advice is don't buy in a retail jewelry Store because prices are well over 100% markup. If you live in a big city with a jewelry District like NYC has go there or try some of these big online outfits. Just remember that a technically perfectly flawless 1 carat diamond retails for 25 grand but stones like that are very rare and the slightest of imperfections reduces the price drastically. Just buy what you can afford.
my wife didn't want a diamond (she was very influenced after watching blood diamond)


I have this thing against diamond companies making a profit out of blood, and I like parties, so I asked DH to avoid diamonds and don't spend too much, as we could put the money towards having an awesome reception. My ring was silver, lovely, and cost less than thirty bucks. I've helped a couple of friends find fabulous engagement rings by browsing antique shops- antique rings with semiprecious stones are everywhere, and fifty to a hundred and fifty bucks is a heck of a lot cheaper than "three months' salary" or whatever it is they want you to spend now. Getting a ring cleaned and re-sized shouldn't cost much at a local jewelry store.

When you consider design, it might be best to find out whether she plans to wear it along with her wedding ring after you're married- something very showy with high settings could just get in the way on a permanent basis.

If she insists on a diamond, look into cultured ones- they're actual diamonds, just made in a lab, only distinguishable from "natural" ones with a spectroscope, and they're far cheaper.
Don't laugh, but check out Sam's Club. As with everything there, they have a limited selection but what they have is really big and really cheap. Honestly, they do have good quality rings.
I got lucky and had her grandmothers ring. I had to put a new diamond in it since the old one had fallen out years ago. All in all set me back about $350 to get the biggest diamond that would fit, get it set, and cleaned.
Got engaged last June(09). I used her grandmothers diamond from the depression. Miners cut. Than got it set at a local Jeweler "Henry B Ball" in Akron. I always find it best to find a nice local jeweler.
Rockhound with Gemologist contacts.

Precious stones:

Let her select the stone/mount she'll be happier if she chooses; 1/2 Carat +- if Diamond, Ruby/Sapphire i.e. Carborundum family; red--Ruby, all other colors--Sapphire

Diamond: GIA certified, at least SI1 Clarity, no lower than J color, at least good finish and symmetry, well proportioned according to shape, buy shy i.e. .49 carat vs. 1/2 caret, avoid Fluorescence unless made an exceptional deal.

Emerald, usually too soft to be set in a ring; other stones, check hardness scale some are too soft also.

Blue Nile is an excellent source for diamonds. If you live in the SF, CA area, Wholesale Mart @ 8th & Brannan is excellent and Derco is an excellent vendor. Should you be going to Europe; Amsterdam & Antwerp are cutting centers and you may be able to purchase directly from a cutter which is best of all. I have other sources if you E-mail me; always happy to share what I know or who knows what.

Pawn & Antique shops, Estate sales, individual sales are all good sources but get germain factors in writing with the right to return and have your purchase checked by GIA (labs in NY & CA).

Familiarize yourselves with books, publications, Internet sources for info on purchasing and what to do and don't.
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Maybe I missed something here, but I went with what I could afford (ABout 3K) at the time (10 years ago). It wasn't any math formula X salary or anything like that. I picked a solitare setting, very good to excellent in the 4 Cs, elegent yet practical-like her. I shopped for four months. Untimately it is your invitation for marriage, so go with what your heart tells you. She doesn't have to accept. Any woman that said that ain't big enough or called me cheap after the thought and time I put in to my sellection wouldn't get a second chance. Good luck, Larry
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