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End caps for Aristocrat

Can end caps be found out in the wild? I'll be getting an Aristocrat that is missing one end cap and would like to find one.

Any info is greatly appreciated!

They can be found, but they're generally (if not universally) found attached to other razors. Your best bet would be to find another razor in worse shape than your current one that could act as a donor.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
They can be found, but they're generally (if not universally) found attached to other razors. Your best bet would be to find another razor in worse shape than your current one that could act as a donor.

This is what I do.
I was going to ask this too. I have a 41' Aristocrat in Gold that is my Dad's birth year, but both end caps are missing. I want to have it redone in his honor but I would want end caps on it. I have another Aristocrat, but it's already perfect so I don't want to muck that one up. Hopefully when I have it replated whomever I send it to will have some spares I can buy.
I was going to ask this too. I have a 41' Aristocrat in Gold that is my Dad's birth year, but both end caps are missing. I want to have it redone in his honor but I would want end caps on it. I have another Aristocrat, but it's already perfect so I don't want to muck that one up. Hopefully when I have it replated whomever I send it to will have some spares I can buy.

Jeff, great that you have a birth year razor to honor your dad. The '41 Aristocrat is a beautiful razor and came from the factory without end caps. End caps started showing up after the war in 1946.

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Thank you very much for that info. I did not know that. That's one less thing I have to worry about. Now to decide when and to whom I should send it for re-plating. I don't think there are as many options for Gold or Rhodium as there are for nickel. Originally I thought I would get it restored and give it to my Dad. But I got him a Merkur and all the supplies almost 2 years ago and he still hasn't shaved with them.

I'll just get it redone and keep it for my enjoyment. Thanks again for the info. That's a beautiful razor in the pics. Perfect.
Yes, earlier Aristocrats didn't have end caps.

Incidentally, I feel that most razors look fine without end caps, if I get one with one end cap missing, I often just remove the other and buff off the remaining solder - The Red Tips look spectacular if the ends are just buffed and plated the same as the rest of the razor - it suits their rugged functional image.

It's also really straightforward to solder end caps onto a razor too - the small 'pen type' soldering torches are ideal for this, as well as soldering handle tubes back onto collars.
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