A little over a few months ago I was a electric razor user, my journey for the perfect shave led me to BB and the wonderful world of wet shaving and now after using a DE razor for a little less than a month I am thinking about taking the next step and trying a straight razor. I have been reading as much as I can here but still have a few questions. Right now I am planning to use the straight occasionally when I have some extra time to dedicate to it and use my DE for the other times, is it necessary to strop in between shaves, let's say the razor sits on a shelf for two weeks or so, even though I am not using it do I still need to strop occasionally to keep it shave ready or will it just maintain it's edge? If it does maintain it's edge do I even need to strop or can I just get the razor honed once a month if I am just using it occasionally? How many times can the razor be used before stropping or honing is needed (it sounds like you need to strop every use and hone every few months)? Now on to the razor, since I plan on sticking with this I decided to go new instead of with a whipped dog special, would a Dovo Best Quality 5/8" be a good razor to start with and grow into to? I was thinking about purchasing the razor from straightrazordesigns.com since they professionally hone the razor and offer a certificate for a free second honing, what is everyone's experience with this company? Lastly besides a cheap strop is there anything else I will need to get started (I already have cream, a bowl, etc, from my DE setup)? Thanks in advance for helping.