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electric razor question

i normally use a quad blade to shave but i wantedto try something new. and i did and had to best shave in my life. however, afterwards i had a big pimple near my mouth (mostly likely from using that electric razor). but i still want to continue using it so should i have used an astringent to kill the bacteria from the electric razor?

my steps:
showered with warm/hot water
washed my face
got out of shower, pat dried upper face (forehead and nose)
shaved with electric razor
applied moisturizer

woke up with a big one :?

my quesiton again is should i have used an astringent to kill the bacteria that could have caused the zit?
I think it is alway good to use an astringent or an alchol based AS to kill any bacteria on the face, then apply your moisturizer.

You also might want to try shaving before you shower.. then wash your face with a gentel cleanser like Noxzema. Just to knock out all options and find your routine.

Good luck with you journey.. cheers.
I don't know anything about electric razors, but maybe it would be helpful to also wipe down the blade head with an alcohol pad or similar? Good luck!
Most electrics cut the same as muti-blade razors. Lift, cut, then the hair, and anything on it, sinks back below the skin. Cleaning the blades can only help. Something on the face after shaving to kill any bateria is alos a good Idea. Good luck, Larry

P.S. Bump for ya!
What is an electric razor?



I use to use a Braun and found right after the shower the beard was too soft for the electric, and it took multiple (6+) passes to get anywhere near close. I would use Williams "Lectric Shave" and shave before the shower for better results.

Then I re-discovered DE... I'm never going back to electric
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