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EJ De89bl $27 NEW

Save 20% off first orders at SOAP.COM with promo code MXUN3323

The de89bl reduces in price from $33.75 to $27.00

The de89lbl reduces reduces in price from $41.40 to $33.12

All shipped free.

I'm new to wet shaving and this is the deal I have discovered. I haven't bought a safety razor yet myself but this looks like one I might end up getting.
+1 One of the best razors for beginners and advanced users. Every person I've recommended it has loved it. Great looks and function.
a fine razor. here's mine along with some Mr. Taylors cream and the custom TGN finest badger brush I recently assembled. rather easy. more people should give it a shot.
$shave kit.jpg
i have switched everything to use a de89, best razor on the market-- i would go here too
the de89lbl is the one you want the other may slipout of your hand, it is a classy handle, heavier than the muhle version, personally i put a ikon SS handle on mine
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I am glad people keep posting this......I was a lurker here, read about the EJ and soap.com, got mine for under $27 with free shipping.

I called them on a Wed night, the razor was on my porch Friday morning.
I'm a newb, but this razor made a world of difference. My face has never been so greatful.
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One of my faves and while I didn't get it from soap.com, I did get something from soap.com today, a tub of barc shaving cream. i haven't used it yet so no review but one will be forthcoming when I do.

soap.com doesn't have much wet-shaving stuff, but their sister-site beautybar.com does. Pricey stuff but they do have a 25 or 30% off your first order sale going as well.
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