I'm new to using soaps, but I've gotten to the point where I can get a good lather with a soap either by face lathering or using my scuttle. I've been using Tabac and MWF mostly.... both in their respective classic dish containers with lids. I have an Edwin Jagger Apothecary Mug and about 3 pucks of EJ shave soap that I got as freebies in orders from Men's Direct website. I have Aloe Vera, Sandalwood, and Sea Buckhorn (all of their scents I believe). I was using my EJ mug primarily to build lather with creams, but after I got my G20 scuttle, the mug was being mostly used as a razor holder. So, I decided to put a puck of the EJ Aloe Vera soap in there. I figured it would be an inexpensive way to practice learning how to build lather with a soap since I got the puck for free. I used the EJ soap today after having used MWF two days ago and Tabac yesterday. I get a decent lather with the EJ soap.... but just nowhere near as thick and creamy as the "Fat" or Tabac. I know that MWF and Tabac are considered in most guy's "top soaps" list.... but how many of you out there get good lather from EJ soaps and how many of you think EJ soaps are not worth messing with. Also, are EJ soaps the same as Muhle? I've never tried Muhle, but I seem to recall identical scent offerings.
Incidently, I love the scent and performance of Tabac soap so much... and with the cooler weather coming on.... I went ahead today and bought 2 bottles of Tabac AS splash (10.1 oz), 1 bottle of Tabac cologne splash (10.1 oz) and 2 tubes of Tabac shave cream.... got it all for about $58 shipped from a website that sells mostly fragrances. I thought that was a pretty good deal..... and I'm all set with Tabac for the fall and winter.
Incidently, I love the scent and performance of Tabac soap so much... and with the cooler weather coming on.... I went ahead today and bought 2 bottles of Tabac AS splash (10.1 oz), 1 bottle of Tabac cologne splash (10.1 oz) and 2 tubes of Tabac shave cream.... got it all for about $58 shipped from a website that sells mostly fragrances. I thought that was a pretty good deal..... and I'm all set with Tabac for the fall and winter.