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Edwin Jagger Pronunciation

So how do you pronounce "jagger" in Edwin Jagger?

Is it like Mick Jagger's "jagger", or is it more of a Chuck Yeager "jagger"?

Or am I totally off?


Needs milk and a bidet!
I say it like Mick Jagger. But I could be wrong too. And quite honestly I only say it in my head because I don't have the chance to talk about wet-shaving with anyone but in my computer.
Exactly what Toothpick said. I'm not sure I'd ever said it out loud before and it's the only razor I have(that I use, vintage kinda weirds me out)
I say it like Mick Jagger. But I could be wrong too. And quite honestly I only say it in my head because I don't have the chance to talk about wet-shaving with anyone but in my computer.

The last sentence made me spit out my beer...darn you!
We Brits don't go in for fancy foreign pronunciations! It's as in Mick Jagger.

I even hear the German electrical goods company Braun being pronounced as in Brawn, even on tv adverts


PS, someone on here said my Welsh name Gareth is pronounced GAYreth in the States! AAArrrggghhh...
We Brits don't go in for fancy foreign pronunciations! It's as in Mick Jagger.

I even hear the German electrical goods company Braun being pronounced as in Brawn, even on tv adverts


PS, someone on here said my Welsh name Gareth is pronounced GAYreth in the States! AAArrrggghhh...

I pronounce it how it's written. Jagger.

My cousin is named Gareth, and we've never said it Gayreth. Always said it like "Gereth"
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