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Edwin Jagger DE89 Vs Edwin Jagger Classic

I have decided its time for me to finally purchase a DE safety razor, I have decided on the EJ DE89. I am hoping to purchase it at Fendrihan.com, however the only razor I can find is the Edwin Jagger Classic(shown below). Is the EJ 89 and EJ classic the same thing? or are there differences. Thank you
Also if someone could recommend a good quality yet inexpensive badger brush on the same site I would appreciate that, thank you.

It is one of the DE89 range - the DE89Lbl. As far as the brushes go, I'm sorry but I could only recommend as a "third party" (as in from what I've read rather than experienced).

Good luck with your purchase and first foray into traditional shaving though!
i dont know your budget for a brush, on that site they have a edwin jagger best badger with stand for $42, a good solid brush, or a vie long horsehair brush for $36, i find the vie long horsehairs are great for hard soaps, the ej best badger is a not bad deal.
Hi Static, welcome to B&B!

Congratulations on your decision to see what traditional wet-shaving is all about. It's a decision you will never regret!

I agree with Dave: all the EJ models share the same head. Only the handles are different. Just pick one that appeals to you and you'll have a fine razor. As far as good inexpensive brushes go, any of the boars from either Omega or Semogue listed on Fendrihan's site will do just fine for you. Once it breaks in, a boar brush will be every bit as good as a high-end badger. Pick one that you like and have at it!

When you get a chance, please head over to our Hall of Fame (located within the Shave Clinic) and tell us all a bit more about yourself. There are links in my signature to areas of B&B of special interest to beginning shavers--perhaps you might like to have a look at them as well. If you ever have questions or run into problems, don't hesitate to post them up. We're a welcoming and friendly group here, and there's always someone around to offer advice or lend a hand.

Enjoy your time here, happy shaving, and once again, WELCOME!!
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