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EdT or cologne to wear with AdP Collezione Barbiere product line

Greetings. I have recently gravitated to frequent use of Acqua di Parma Collezione Barbiere products. I really like the aftershave balm and the shaving cream (although going against B&B dogma, I prefer the cream in the tube). My question is this: what cologne or EdT do you think would go well with the Collezione Barbiere products? I know that Colonia Essenza smells similar, but I really didn't care for it that much. I also don't like the post-citrus rose drydown of regular Colonia. What about Intensa or Assoluta? Hermes Eau d'Orange Verte? Others? Thanks.
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The closest to my nose to the CB product line is Colonia Essenza. Outside of that I would opt for the original Colonia. You've X'd both of those, so not sure what else to recommend. Intensa is pretty different. Assoluta would be closer, but still not the same scent profile. The Hermes is in a different ballpark and lasts all of 10 minutes. The Collezione A/S splash probably lasts longer.
Definitely Colonia Essenza. I too didn't care for it much when I first tried it in a store, but my advice to you would be to sample it. Ask for an official sample and take it home with you or get one through a site online.

This is a modern take on the original Colonia - you will notice less of the 'rose' that you mention you dislike. It has some luscious woody notes in the dry down of patchouli, vetiver and oakmoss. The top comprises of some modern citrus notes like grapefruit and mandarin giving it a nice sharp edge. Perfect for winter and the colder months if you ask me.
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