My EJ BBB is performing great, fine for bowl or face lathering. I'm considering upgrading my BBB to a silvertip for Christmas to truly enjoy a luxurious face lathering (or bowl lathering) experience.
I'd appreciate your thoughts and recommendations based on the criteria below:
Small (the forum seems to support this for face lathering)
Soft and Luxurious as absolutely possible, but good enough to lather...
Soaps (generally enjoy these more than creams) and
Less than $100.
I know this is a tall order. My initial thought, after perusing WCS, is the Shavemac #177 21mm Silvertip for $85. Again, your thoughts and recommendations are appreciated.
I'd appreciate your thoughts and recommendations based on the criteria below:
Small (the forum seems to support this for face lathering)
Soft and Luxurious as absolutely possible, but good enough to lather...
Soaps (generally enjoy these more than creams) and
Less than $100.
I know this is a tall order. My initial thought, after perusing WCS, is the Shavemac #177 21mm Silvertip for $85. Again, your thoughts and recommendations are appreciated.