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EBay Humor.

I've seen that before, in fact I have a razor that belonged to my wife's granddad that was like that when we found it.
There was an auction for a long comb NEW starting at $60 or so with the comb upside down. Amazing that someone can ask that much as a starting price and be completely clueless.
I won a Tech that had the same head flip problem. I counted it as a benefit because there were only two other bidders so i got a good deal.
That picture took me a minute to notice the problem. :)

I am surprised no one said anything at the time. At the last minute I changed my mind which razor I was going to use and did not get all of the "bits" into the photo for the picture of my daily shave that day. By the time I noticed it, it was a little too late as I had already posted the photo :whistling:
In reference to the eBay pics... Some sellers have not a clue. Some think just because something is old it must be valuable.

However, as they say in the used car business "There is an *** for every seat."
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In reference to the eBay pics... Some sellers have not a clue. Some think just because something is old it must be valuable.

However, as they say in the used car business "There is an *** for every seat."

Not a clue is correct, every razor is "RARE" or since it's old it must be worth lots of $$$$$.

I'm still astounded by the high shipping prices people try to charge. $16 or more for one razor.
I can't believe no one has commented on sellers description. It was a gold razor that has mostly worn away and is now mostly silver. I didn't know silver was under the brass under the....never mind.
Not a clue is correct, every razor is "RARE" or since it's old it must be worth lots of $$$$$.

I'm still astounded by the high shipping prices people try to charge. $16 or more for one razor.

I've been haunting the 'Bay the last couple of days and there is just a rash of either mismatched razors and cases or common as dirt razors trying for big bucks.
One fellow has a New Standard in a Big Fellow case and wants 125 despite the fact you can see the razor is way shorter than the slot in the case.
Another came across several bar handle New Red And Blacks with their cases and is asking 169 for the scummed up dirty cased one and 269 for the slightly cleaner one.
Lord knows how many Super Speed and Rocket cases with ball handle Techs offered as Super Speeds or Rockets.
And don't get me started on the ones that proudly proclaim that the rusted used blades are included.
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