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Easy to take snuffs

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I'm man enough to admit that for me fine dry snuffs are not my thing, for whatever reason I can't take them without them shooting directly into my sinus'. Even Toque is sketchy sometimes. SG Irish D lite? Forget about it. That stuff is weaponized tobacco as far as I am concerned.

SG Scotch (which has been discontinued, but don't worry I'm ok with it :cursing:) and KB Original are my two favorites right now. The scotch is a fine ground, whereas the KBO is very course but they are both moist which I think makes a big difference.

I'm placing an order from Mr Snuff as soon as a a couple things come back in stock, what are other snuff's that are moister or easier to take?
I burned through a 25g tin of Viking Peach and a 25g tin of Viking Dark both EXTREMELY easy to take. They also have a good nic hit:thumbup:
Most nasal snuff is dry. Bernard Schmalzler's aren't. These are different; Moist, and probably unlike anything you've ever tried. They're very good and worth a try. Look up reviews on a few, like 'Zwiefacher' or 'Aecht altbayerischer Schmalzler'. Here's some info from one retailer...


Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
*2 year bump. I was searching google for snuff stuff and this thread came up.

What a difference a couple years makes. Now I would put the dry toasts like F&T High Dry Toast, and Toque Natural at the top of my list. I still can't take Irish D Lite with any consistency however.
Can someone explain to me what the deal with snuff is? Why is it appealing?
I'd like to know as well, it just doesn't seem enjoyable. I would like to try it at least once just because my dad use to talk about it but not sure it'd be a regular thing.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I was the same way, I thought it was just a nicotine delivery system, but once you get used to taking it without snorting too hard it's enjoyable.

For me snuff is a just another way to enjoy tobacco. It's more similar to pipe tobacco, than anything else and can even have some of the same flavor profiles. The snuff is supposed to just say inside the bulbous part of the nose, and the nicotine is absorbed through the mucus membrane, so you get a nice lift almost instantaneously, and just like with retrohaling a cigar or pipe your olfactory sense enables you to "taste" the blends.
I use it for when I get headaches or migraines, primarily. However, I mainly use stuff like Hedges medical snuff, peppermints, lavenders, and other scents that are good for aromatherapy. The aroma + nicotine hit really helps when I've got a pounding headache. Sometimes, it even helps more than my prescription medicine.
Easy to take all day snuffs for me
Flavored-SG Celtic Talisman :thumbup:, Polsch cola or any Polsch in general (also mostly menthol tho).
Menthol- red bull aromatic. Which from my understanding dosnt have as much menthol then red bull strong. McC's Highland ice, O&G
Natural-Vinking blond and brown. I had a hard time with the brown at first. Bit of a burn and smelled like dip. A little air in the can, use it now a lot.

Little more daring?
Wilsons o Sharrow best sp
the snuff L260
toque quite (mostly to spice up the nic hit in other snuff and from time to time when I don't want to smoke a cigarette or can't take the time to enjoy a pipe)

i use snuffs because it's a way to enjoy tobacco, and a better way to relieve sinus problems. I've had a infection almost instantly un-blocked with L260, better then any over the counter sinus medication can do in 24 hours. I can enjoy mowing the grass, and not cry.
It's been around before the 80's... It's not like I'm sitting in my home doing lines of tobacco... In a world where you have to stand 20 feet from a outside door in most major city's (like your a hobo or something) to smoke, someone sniffing a pinch of tobacco (and potentially harm just themselve) isn't really that far fetched to me.
Hell, I sat in the movie mad max last night taping cola out on the back of my hand and had my nicotine threw-out the movie. No one seemed to notice me, and if they do and have a problem with it... That's what it is... There problem.
to be truthful, I don't see why someone would want to vape? Corn syrup? No thanks... Id rather snuff..
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"That stuff is weaponized tobacco as far as I am concerned. "


Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I'm up to one bump a day of the Irish D Light. I'm not sure if I like it or not but I'm doing it.
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