Between page 56 and 57 in his book KING C GILLETTE THE MAN AND HIS WONDERFUL SHAVING DEVICE, Russell Adams, author, provides 6 un numbered pages of photos , a reprint of an early (probably 1903-1905) Gillette advertisement that states,"...that it will hold it's edge during twenty or thirty shaves", is found there.
The ad is describing the new tempering and sharpening process of the Gillette blade.
WOW! how did they do that? Is this marketing hype? OR were the blades of yesteryear so much better than those we can get today? Or maybe the men using the "new" blades had peach fuz for whiskers.
If I could buy a DE blade today that would give me those kind of shaves it would be worth $$$$.
In fact, one of the endorsements by a customer said, "if he could not replace his Gillette razor, he would not part with it for $10,000." This was in the early 1900s.
Well, I think that we need to get THE REAL STORY, from someone who used these blades over 100 years ago.
The ad is describing the new tempering and sharpening process of the Gillette blade.
WOW! how did they do that? Is this marketing hype? OR were the blades of yesteryear so much better than those we can get today? Or maybe the men using the "new" blades had peach fuz for whiskers.
If I could buy a DE blade today that would give me those kind of shaves it would be worth $$$$.
In fact, one of the endorsements by a customer said, "if he could not replace his Gillette razor, he would not part with it for $10,000." This was in the early 1900s.
Well, I think that we need to get THE REAL STORY, from someone who used these blades over 100 years ago.
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