I can't see any other discussion on this so.... 
I'm getting very tee'd off with the hairs growing out of my ears. My hair (on my head) is mostly grey, ditto my moustache and beard, same for the rest of me (use your imagination) BUT the hair growing from my ears is still dark brown and being quite fair skinned it stands out like a black hair on light skin
I appreciate as you (we) get older the incidence / amount of ear hair increases but I've tried hacking it back with blunt nose scissors, one of those Merkur stick it in your ear and twirl it round things ( I'm good at making names up) a battery operated nostril hair trimmer (gods) and even one of those pen like electrical ladies bits shavers.
They all to a greater or lesser extent clear the foliage but it seems to be back thicker and more wiry each time, I'm actually laughing as I type this because it seems like a bad Monty Python sketch but seriously, is there anything more permanent, tweezering each hair out is a no no (hurts) not gonna resort to sticking some hair dissolving goop down my shell likes and I've never seen any Ear Hair Laser Removal adverts anywhere (here at least)
When you have finished laughing, does anyone have any suggestions?
(an no I won't consider letting it grow long, plaiting it and adding decorative ribbons)

I'm getting very tee'd off with the hairs growing out of my ears. My hair (on my head) is mostly grey, ditto my moustache and beard, same for the rest of me (use your imagination) BUT the hair growing from my ears is still dark brown and being quite fair skinned it stands out like a black hair on light skin

I appreciate as you (we) get older the incidence / amount of ear hair increases but I've tried hacking it back with blunt nose scissors, one of those Merkur stick it in your ear and twirl it round things ( I'm good at making names up) a battery operated nostril hair trimmer (gods) and even one of those pen like electrical ladies bits shavers.
They all to a greater or lesser extent clear the foliage but it seems to be back thicker and more wiry each time, I'm actually laughing as I type this because it seems like a bad Monty Python sketch but seriously, is there anything more permanent, tweezering each hair out is a no no (hurts) not gonna resort to sticking some hair dissolving goop down my shell likes and I've never seen any Ear Hair Laser Removal adverts anywhere (here at least)
When you have finished laughing, does anyone have any suggestions?
(an no I won't consider letting it grow long, plaiting it and adding decorative ribbons)