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Ear Hair?

I can't see any other discussion on this so.... :blushing:

I'm getting very tee'd off with the hairs growing out of my ears. My hair (on my head) is mostly grey, ditto my moustache and beard, same for the rest of me (use your imagination) BUT the hair growing from my ears is still dark brown and being quite fair skinned it stands out like a black hair on light skin :frown:

I appreciate as you (we) get older the incidence / amount of ear hair increases but I've tried hacking it back with blunt nose scissors, one of those Merkur stick it in your ear and twirl it round things ( I'm good at making names up) a battery operated nostril hair trimmer (gods) and even one of those pen like electrical ladies bits shavers.

They all to a greater or lesser extent clear the foliage but it seems to be back thicker and more wiry each time, I'm actually laughing as I type this because it seems like a bad Monty Python sketch but seriously, is there anything more permanent, tweezering each hair out is a no no (hurts) not gonna resort to sticking some hair dissolving goop down my shell likes and I've never seen any Ear Hair Laser Removal adverts anywhere (here at least)

When you have finished laughing, does anyone have any suggestions?

(an no I won't consider letting it grow long, plaiting it and adding decorative ribbons)
I just use the trimmers that are about, as for growing back stronger i suppose its like any hairy place and cutting, it grows back stronger!
I'm in much the same situation, Biffo. My ancestry hails from the darkest, dampest corners of Europe, so I'm pretty darn pale. And my hair started going gray when I was in my 20s, a long, long time ago. But that ear hair comes in nice and dark. Yanking 'em out with tweezers is my method. A little twinge, maybe, but nothing too painful. At least it hurts less than yanking out those wild, wiry eyebrows, which must be attached to nerves hotwired to the brain ... Back to the ears: after a clean up, the next round of hairs don't seem any more coarse than the first.
I'm in much the same situation, Biffo. My ancestry hails from the darkest, dampest corners of Europe, so I'm pretty darn pale. And my hair started going gray when I was in my 20s, a long, long time ago. But that ear hair comes in nice and dark. Yanking 'em out with tweezers is my method. A little twinge, maybe, but nothing too painful. At least it hurts less than yanking out those wild, wiry eyebrows, which must be attached to nerves hotwired to the brain ... Back to the ears: after a clean up, the next round of hairs don't seem any more coarse than the first.

Oh d*mn :eek: OK Saturday night will be a sit in front of the mirror drinking Pernod till I start to fall off the chair then YANKING time (erm that's hairs from the ears, nothing else, not after half a bottle of Pernod) :w00t:
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I am thinking of letting mine grow out and braiding it. :tongue: If my beard grew that fast I would have to shave at least 3 times a day.
Yep, same problem here. I have a pelt that grows whiskers like tree trunks. On my face, I can shave them. On, in and around my ears, they make me look like JoJo - the Dog Faced Boy. I've found plucking to be the only thing to work for me, and even so I have to do it almost every day. Hate it.
My hair (on my head) is mostly grey, ditto my moustache and beard, same for the rest of me (use your imagination) BUT the hair growing from my ears is still dark brown and being quite fair skinned it stands out like a black hair on light skin :frown:

One work Biffo....COMBOVER

Nice thick dark brown hair in your ears and on your head :001_tongu

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Same problem here, and I use tweezers to pull them out, only way to get rid of them. Those trimmer things are crap in my opinion and are more painful than the quick yank!


Not much we can do. We turn more disgusting with age and our lives become less and less worth living.
Oh d*mn :eek: OK Saturday night will be a sit in front of the mirror drinking Pernod till I start to fall off the chair then YANKING time (erm that's hairs from the ears, nothing else, not after half a bottle of Pernod) :w00t:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
That's absolutely hilarious.
Don't torture yourself by tweezing individual hairs though. If you have a lot of hair and it's on the outer rim of the ear, that hair can probably be waxed. It'll hurt less than tweezing a hair at a time
Waxed?!?!?!?! :ohmy:

No way Pedro, my partner's been at me for a while to get various bits waxed, it just ain't never gonna happen :blushing:

I'll go to our equivalent of Home Depot and get the biggest pair of pliers they sell, grab a bunch of hairs and rip em out of my ears, no worries, but applying warm wax and a bit of cloth, waiting for it to cool and then pulling it off like a giant band aid ..... I wince just thinking about it :eek:
Waxed?!?!?!?! :ohmy:

No way Pedro, my partner's been at me for a while to get various bits waxed, it just ain't never gonna happen :blushing:

I'll go to our equivalent of Home Depot and get the biggest pair of pliers they sell, grab a bunch of hairs and rip em out of my ears, no worries, but applying warm wax and a bit of cloth, waiting for it to cool and then pulling it off like a giant band aid ..... I wince just thinking about it :eek:

TMI! :eek:
Strangely enough a friend of mine recently went on holiday to Turkey and he found the local barbers shop, went in, arranged the price for a shave every day for 14 days (as you do) and after his first shave (hot towels / real brush lather / straight razor / evil smelling aftershave) he was surprised to see the barber light up a kind of mini candle / taper, he asked ( English to Turkish via Babel and back) what was he doing, the barber explained he was going to burn off my friends ear hairs, he agreed, the barber did the business and my friend said he never felt a thing .... weird.

The year before the barber he went to (still Turkey, different town) used a kind of cats cradle contraption made with what looked like dental floss to pull out the ear hairs ... again it worked and my friend said he never felt a thing

He must have a high pain threshold or more likely was still p*shed from the night before :biggrin:
Now, I understood that the barber's notch is to give you room to maneuver while you shave inside your ears with your straight . . .



OK, OK, actually, I use one of these, once a week:
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So what you want is a Bic lighter.

[Hey, where did spell check come from?]

Edit: It would appear that my browser got smarter when I updated it earlier today, and now does a real time spell check on my entries, including spelling suggestions with a right click of the mouse!
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