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E-Cigs anyone?

What are your experiences with them? If you have one, what model is it and do you like it? I've got two, a Joye 510 and a DSE 901. For me, the 901 delivers more of the throat hit that I'm used to from an actual cigarette but the 501's are more convenient...
I don't remember which model I had. I got it free at a tobacco show. It was too much like smoking a cigarette for me to really consider it as a viable option in quitting... it just made me want the real thing even more.
In the UK, they are legal to smoke in bars etc. even under the new smoking ban (which is not legally adhered to anywhere........ no one seems to bother as long as you're outside), however they are considering classing them as a medical product that will be POM, or banning them at the moment as they are considered dangerous, as little testing has been done on the product (as it's classed as a novelty, virtually no testing has been done and no regs are required on the refills....).

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