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Dunkin Donuts Pumpking Coffee

... A brilliant spelling error there in my title... Can anyone fix that, please?

Dunkin Donuts makes a coffee that is pumpKIN flavored. It's a sort of holiday thing, I guess. Like an eggnog latte.

It's good, but it is VERY sweet. I had a small and it was too much.


Needs milk and a bidet!
are you talking about what they make for you in the store? i've never had dunkin donuts kind but i've had starbucks. i think it's called Pumpking Spice and it was REALLY sweet, pumpkingy but sweeet. i think anything pumpking flavored is loaded with sugar tho.
Yes, it is brewed right there in the store by His Royal Highness, our most gracious sovereign, that is to say, in short, the most esteeméd monarch, the PumpKing. You can also buy bags of it to make in your own home. But that's much less regal.

It's the sort of drink I can handle in small amounts. A little goes a long way. I don't know if mine was particularly sweet, or not, but I cannot imagine drinking anything larger than a small.

I haven't had the Starbucks version.


Needs milk and a bidet!
all i know is i once ordered a Venti (large) Pumpking Spice from starbucks and it gave me the shakes and a headache. since then the smallest size was all i could handle.
Interesting you say that, because I was up all night last night with a brutal stomach ache. I was in a lot of pain. I think I fell asleep around 6:00 a.m.

This was, initially, supposed to be an endorsement for the coffee. So much for that.

It IS tasty...
^ Yeah.

I've had two more of these bad boys, since the first one. Both of these have been decaf and they've both been a lot better than the first one. No stomach aches or crazy late night issues. They've also been much less sweet.
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