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Duke 2 losing hairs after 2 years of use.

Many BBers have reported that new brushes shed, usually stopping soon thereafter. In my case it is the opposite. My Duke 2 was perfect for almost 2 years and all of a sudden it began to shed, probably about 2-4 hairs per shave. Is this the beginning of the end for the brush? My gut tells me that a portion of the knot has become fragile and will continue to shed.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Maybe soap buildup? When was it last cleaned?

In case you have not seen it, I think How_to_Clean_a_Shaving_Brush describes a reasonable procedure. Some folks might object to the 1:1 vinegar rinse at the end, or recommend lowering the vinegar to something like 1-T per cup of water.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
When a brush shed after a while of use, like yours after two years, it is probably soap residues left inside the knot that over time attack and destroy the hairs. Take a bit more care in rinsing the brush out after the shave. Tip: let the brush dry for several days, then brush over it with your hand, if you see some dusting, then you have proof that soap is inside the knot and started its destroying work.
Thanks Rudy. Between you and mblakele it appears unanimous - it is residual soap. I will take the prescribed steps.
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