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Dry the Blade After Each Use?

To my way of thinking, the less I handle the blade, the better for both the blade and my fingers. A hot water rinse, vigorous shake and let it air dry. I used to use a little blue and white ceramic crock with alcohol to store the razor until the next use. I thin it was called Razorbrite.


I am presently using a red tip and always remove the blade & rinse both with hot water & dry with toilet paper. I leave the razor doors open & the blade free!

I live in Phoenix, the water here is really quite hard which spots & corrodes metallic objects at will, so an extra 30 seconds each shave is time well spent.

I'm in phx too, it's well worth the time to dry things... It also seems to help my blade last a little longer.
If this is the first shave on the blade, I rinse the razor head in hot running water, blow off the excess with a burst of lung power, then stow it head-down in a glass tumbler. If it is the second shave, I rinse, and then dispose of the blade, and leave the razor head-up in a different glass tumbler.
The whole point of the disposable blades is that you don't need to fool with them except to put them into the razor and remove them for disposal. But we're shave geeks, so we do things differently.
I do not remove the blade between shaves even though the material that came with my EJ razor says to do so. Like many others, I rinse with hot water, shake a bit and hang to air dry.

If you dry your blade between shaves be careful not to wipe them. While changing blades this morning I noticed (for the first time) this message on the wrapping. Sorry about the size of the pic, I don't know how to edit to a more manageable size.


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sometimes i do, and other times i do not. i also wondered about this. water spots/corrosion ect. now, after reading these posts i guess its not a big deal.
I rinse off all the soap and stubble in hot water and then I give the blade and razor a quick rinse in alcohol to displace the water. The alcohol evaporates quickly after being aplied to the razor leaving the razor dry and clean. It also is an antiseptic to keep the blade from causing any infections due to nicks. I have a chrome plated EJ razor ant after a year of use it still has that like new finish.
I rinse the razor after the shave, shake off the water, and dab dry against a towel. Just enough to pick up any moisture on the blade edge.
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