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Dry Scalp

I'm wondering if you gents can help me out. I seem to have chronically dry and flaky scalp. I have very thick hair but I use a ton of shampoo every day, maybe miss a day here or there and still flakes. I use head and shoulders for dry scalp and I have used selson blue with slightly better results but wonder if there is something I am missing. The fact that I shaved with canned goop for so many years makes me think I may be missing something in hair care as well. Thanks so much.
I use a coal tar shampoo combined with Head and Shoulders and that keeps the flakes at bay for me. I also keep my hair shaved down with no guard so I also use a lotion afterwards. Maybe a leave in conditioner would work well for you? Also, I know that hair spray sometimes has a tendency to dry out the scalp so maybe taking days off in between uses would help.
I'm wondering if you gents can help me out. I seem to have chronically dry and flaky scalp. I have very thick hair but I use a ton of shampoo every day, maybe miss a day here or there and still flakes. I use head and shoulders for dry scalp and I have used selson blue with slightly better results but wonder if there is something I am missing. The fact that I shaved with canned goop for so many years makes me think I may be missing something in hair care as well. Thanks so much.

Yes a shampoo bar, try Liggett's or Sesa (Indian, you can also take Chandrika herbal is more or less the same). Works great, also for the scalp.
T/Sal by Neutrogena does well for me along with Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp care with moisturizers.

I haven't had any luck finding Liggett's in stores around Southern California, where I reside. Unless I'm not looking hard enough. I just purchase mine online. Good luck finding it though.
If you have acess to some olive oil you might want to rub it into your hair and scalp throughly 30 mins before your shower. Then wash it out with shampoo :wink:
Try this if you can get it...I've been struggling with perscription stuff for years. This in over the counter and has been a life saver:

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