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Dry and Wet Dark Blue Ink Recommendations

Other than Noodler's ( which I find to be very wet), what are your recommendations for a dry dark blue ink and a wet dark blue ink?
I find Lamy Blue to be nice and wet, but not overly so. But its not exactly dark blue, more of a royal. PR midnight blues is a blue-black that is very wet. I don't have any dry blues, besides when BBB decides to get chalky.
I'll second the PR midnight blues, it's one of my favorites. For a dry blue I find quink blue and blue-black and lamy blue to be dry inks.
To date my favourite Blues are still Iroshizuku Kon Peki (vibrant) and Asa gao (deep and rich) both lay a moderate wet line that doesnt saturate a page to me it writes wet and are my favourite inks above all. the thing with them is they are fairly transparent as far as saturation goes so they shade like no tomorrow in a B or bigger nib and look great with all kinds of character

If it wasnt for the price i would probably have every bottle in the collection

And I remember Edelstein Ink writing drier for me last time i used it, it flowed great but certainly drier then most of my others, but I havent used it in more then a few months and it was when i was just starting out so it may have been me, I know i have a sample of some at home ill drop into a pen and retry it again
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Montblanc blue-black is quite dry, but two caveats: it's more of a steel blue/blue-gray (more blue or more gray seems to depend on the paper, I've found), and it's an iron-gall ink, so permanent. So perhaps not what you're looking for. (though I've found I can mix it with blue inks to shift the color more blue and it retains its permanence if that matters to you.)
I'd suggest Ecclesiastical Stationery Supplies iron gall ink as a dry dark blue and Diamine Midnight as my very favorite wet dark blue (my favorite ink for over a year now).
To date my favourite Blues are still Iroshizuku Kon Peki (vibrant) and Asa gap (deep and rich) both lay a moderate wet line that doesnt saturate a page to me it writes wet and are my favourite inks above all. the thing with them is they are fairly transparent as far as saturation goes so they shade like no tomorrow in a B or bigger nib and look great with all kinds of character

If it wasnt for the price i would probably have every bottle in the collection

And I remember Edelstein Ink writing drier for me last time i used it, it flowed great but certainly drier then most of my others, but I havent used it in more then a few months and it was when i was just starting out so it may have been me, I know i have a sample of some at home ill drop into a pen and retry it again

Asa- gao is right up my alley! Love it!
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