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DR Harris soaps



To those of you that have experienced the Harris soaps first hand, do you see them as being any close to the MWF soap in terms of how moisturising the lather is and how easy it is to lather?

Thanks in advance.


I hear these things about Harris all the time, so I think it might be time to stop by their store :001_smile

It'll be my first true "white" soap, so I want to be sure it's not going to set-off my sensitive skin on a frenzy. My face couldn't cope with MWF (Kent).
Arlington is an amazing soap! It smells great and produces a fantastic lather. I love it although I still like MWF slightly better due to the added lanolin but the Arlington is a very close second.
No experience with MWF, but am shaving through a puck of Arlington (w/ aftershave). I'm loving it and look forward to trying out their other soaps...
I think that the Harris soaps are very good - I've smelled them all and own the Marlborough, which I really like in terms of both scent and performance.

With the demise of the tallow-based Penhaligons products, I believe that the Harris soaps have the distinction of being the only high-end British soaps that still have tallow in them (for now - and, for the sake of full disclosure, I believe these are tallow/veggie soaps).

I don't recall ever hearing a lot of complaints about the Harris soaps (or the British soaps generally) causing a lot of adverse skin reactions.


Thanks, Chris (and all) for your responses.

I agree they have a very good reputation and even though the likes of Tabac and so on get the odd complaint here and there (esp. review forum), I'm finding it very hard to fault the Harris soaps.

One further question - I've noticed on the Harris soap wooden lid, the label suggests they'll keep for 12 months. In your experiences, how true is this and will they go for longer? Comparing this to the Palmolive shave stick and Tabac, they're stated as 36 months. My Trumper's Rose also stated 12 months I think but I had a previous puck for well over 3 years.
Love my puck of Arlington. My skin is very prone to dryness, particularly this time of year. Arlington does not dry my face at all. Haven't tried MWF yet.
Thanks, Chris (and all) for your responses.

I agree they have a very good reputation and even though the likes of Tabac and so on get the odd complaint here and there (esp. review forum), I'm finding it very hard to fault the Harris soaps.

One further question - I've noticed on the Harris soap wooden lid, the label suggests they'll keep for 12 months. In your experiences, how true is this and will they go for longer? Comparing this to the Palmolive shave stick and Tabac, they're stated as 36 months. My Trumper's Rose also stated 12 months I think but I had a previous puck for well over 3 years.

I think the 12 month thing is out of an abundance of caution.

I've got soaps that have been opened for 3 - 4 years, and other than a slight loss of scent, they work as well as they did on day one, so I wouldn't worry about hanging on to a puck of Harris for more than 12 months, especially if you let it dry between uses (as in don't store it damp in a sealed container - not an issue with the wood bowls, which are not air tight).
Not to be too picky about the premise of your question...but NO soaps are moisturising, they are in fact the opposite. The lanolin in MWF may have a softening affect for the brief period of time it is in contact with the skin, but they are both fine soaps.
I found the Harris soap extremely easy to lather but it just didn't have the slickness and cushion I was looking for. I traded off my Arlington soap for a puck of MWF and I'm still happy about the trade. Moisturizing is never a big priority for my skin type but I think MWF would win out for least drying.
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I really like my Harris Arlington and I'm glad I got it, even though I already have so many soaps.

It's quite easy to lather. At first the Arlington was way too sweet-citrusy for my taste, but it mellowed quite a bit and is tolerable. I don't get a lot of fern in it though. I'll definitely get another DR Harris soap, but next time I'll probably try Marlborough.
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