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DR Harris lather issues.

Got some DR Harris Arlington for Christmas. Loved the smell, but I still can't get it to lather well. Got it in the wood bowl, let it soak while I shower, let my brush soak too. I load it up for what I think is a long time, and then proceed to face lather. It does okay the first two passes, but the last two are a stretch, and when I squeeze out the brush for the last pass, pass #4 hardly anything comes out. Compare that too my L'Occitane shave soap which lathers amazingly and I have a huge gob of creamy awesomeness when I squeeze the brush. What going on? I have heard lots of hype about this soap. Love how long it lasts, hardly dented it, but can't get a great shave! Help!
Do you rework the brush on the soap at any time during your four passes? I always have to add in a bit more product between passes, whether with soaps or creams; otherwise I find my lather, while passable, isn't quite where I want it to be. I would think if you reload the brush a little between passes, that should take care of your problem, assuming you're not already doing so.
Call me picky, but with a soap this legendary I was not expecting that. I usually need to go a small reload because lather gets weak after two passes. I don't want to compare apples to oranges but boy my cade and ogallala soaps need one load for lots of lather. I am wondering if this soap is as difficult as the famous MWF.
I didn't find it difficult to lather it up, but I don't use hot water with mine either. I use a relatively dry brush and load it up and at a little water to the brush as I face lather and as I go through this process add just a little more until it becomes the consistency I like. I do the same with MWF though. I get great results with either. I just go back and forth, a little soap, then a little water, repeat until I like, then it just explodes.

I don't soak the soap at all, I might add a little water to the top of it while I am doing whatever I am doing before I shave. But nothing that should need soaking. My inital though would be not enough water. Sounds like it might be feeling dry and tacky going into the 3rd pass or 4th.
Call me picky, but with a soap this legendary I was not expecting that. I usually need to go a small reload because lather gets weak after two passes. I don't want to compare apples to oranges but boy my cade and ogallala soaps need one load for lots of lather. I am wondering if this soap is as difficult as the famous MWF.

Legend would appear to have less to do with recharging than brush SIZE (It does count!) and how heavily you load the brush in the first place. Because of the soaps qualities you may not be getting as much in the brush as you thought.:blink:
I got a puck a while back and I had the same reaction,but it only needed breaking in.When you get through the hard top layer it starts acting a whole lot better. I like this soap very much, but you may have to go back to the puck during your shave.I usually hit the puck a couple of times with most soaps
I had the same problem trying to lather up T&H, which, like DR is a hard soap. I tried all the methods and could never get enough for a decent 2nd pass.

I was gonig to give up on it, but decided to try grating it, packed it back down gently, and this really loosened it up for the brush. It might not last quite as long as in its fully hardened state, but the trade off of getting decent lather and shave is worth it.
3 questions:

What brush are you using, how firmly are you swirling/mashing/grinding the brush into it, and what do you consider "a long time" loading it?
Legend would appear to have less to do with recharging than brush SIZE (It does count!) and how heavily you load the brush in the first place. Because of the soaps qualities you may not be getting as much in the brush as you thought.:blink:


I face lather, and when using my Rooney Heritage brush, the brush always easily holds enough soap or cream for at least 3 passes; I end up dipping the tips of the brush in water for each successive pass.
I'll compare it to lathering Tabac.

With Tabac I'll put a few drop of very hot water onto the Tabac puck just before I get into the shower. When I'm ready to shave after the shower I really drain my hot soaking brush to the point it is nearly dry, swirl the brush into the puck for 20 seconds, and then face lather onto my wet hot face and watch it explode.

With Harris...the same routine...a little more hot water on top of the puck compared to Tabac before I shower. Harris is HARD. After the shower I put the same well shaken brush to the puck and I swirl with all my might for about 30 seconds. I then add about four more drops of very hot water to the puck and swirl for about another 30 seconds. I then put the brush to my wet hot face and face lather....shaving Nirvana.

Hope this helps. For a couple of years I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about Harris. The bottom line was I couldn't put enough soap on my brush.

For ANY soap, especially for newbies like I still am, soap lasts a very very long time. 9 times out of 10, if the lather sucks, you need more soap. :thumbup1:

The top shelf hard soaps used every day are not supposed to last for years. Put as much soap on the brush as you can in a minute and a puck of Harris will still last 4 months or more.

Anyone that says "three swirls of the brush onto the puck and I got a four pass shave"...well...there is way more comfort, glide, cushion, etc. in LOADING the soap into the brush before generating a lather.

Harris is simply one of the best soaps you will ever use. Don't do what I did and skimp. Load that brush with soap and experience everything that Harris has to offer:thumbup:

Here's a "super hint". For all my tallow based hard soaps, I get the best shaves when the brush starts to "pull" the soap along the surface of the puck, and leaves a streak of wet stringy sinew behind the brush on the puck surface. Then the brush is perfectly loaded.
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I always fill my sink with hot water , and soak my brush and dunk my soap bowl with the soap in it to heat the bowl abd puck of soap. I then take it out , drain the water from the soap bowl and start swirling my brush on the soap. I get a great , nice hot soapy lather.
I was having the same problem with my tub of Arlington. Sooo difficult to get good cushion of lather, which is why I have moved to Mama Bears' as my usual go to soap. My Tabac is much easier to get a lather from.

I face lather, and when using my Rooney Heritage brush, the brush always easily holds enough soap or cream for at least 3 passes; I end up dipping the tips of the brush in water for each successive pass.

Just try this.. Heat a mug-full, 8 to 12 ounces, of water in a microwave for 2 minutes. Allow it to cool to the point where you can dunk your finger into it without screaming. Immerse your brush of choice for 3 minutes or so.. Take the brush out then, allowing it to drizzle to a standstill. Empty the mug and load brush over the mug.. Don't spare the soap round! Even though you are a face latherer, whip it a bit in the mug and then when the protolather starts to turn to lather, take it to your face. Allow the brush to sit in the mug between passes.. (Helps to maintain the warmth of the lather)...
You can adjust your lathering technique after you get the consistency needed in your mind's eye..
Your brush must not be a 22mm knot or above if you have to soak the puck of soap while you shower. I never even considered doing that.

Re-load. It keeps the lather richer anyway, which you are going to need with this soap.
Just try this.. Heat a mug-full, 8 to 12 ounces, of water in a microwave for 2 minutes. Allow it to cool to the point where you can dunk your finger into it without screaming. Immerse your brush of choice for 3 minutes or so.. Take the brush out then, allowing it to drizzle to a standstill. Empty the mug and load brush over the mug.. Don't spare the soap round! Even though you are a face latherer, whip it a bit in the mug and then when the protolather starts to turn to lather, take it to your face. Allow the brush to sit in the mug between passes.. (Helps to maintain the warmth of the lather)...
You can adjust your lathering technique after you get the consistency needed in your mind's eye..

What a great idea!
I'll have to try this tomorrow morning but already like the sound of it - thanks!
Sometimes I have to hit the puck mid-shave even for Tabac and Cella. I don't think doing so is necessarily a testament againt the soap's lathering qualities.
I'm starting to feel as if all soaps need roughly the same amount of soap loaded into a brush to create lather. The problem then is the consistency of the soap in relation to the hair-type of the brush (and how you soak both the brush and soap). For example, DR Harris Lavender and Pre de Provence soaps both look to load my Savile Row 3122 with the same amount of soap, but I can load that same amount using DRH in half the time it takes with the PdP.
What a great idea!
I'll have to try this tomorrow morning but already like the sound of it - thanks!

I hope this is the solution to your issue. I use something similar to this every day. I heat the water hotter and sanitize my razor. When the water gets almost "just hot" I remove the razor and put in the brush killing two birds with one mug of hot water..
I found the same issues with DRH Lavender. I just can't get a good cushiony lather despite trying all the usual tricks, and the scent is also a bit of a disapointment; so as soon as I've hit the magical 50 post number, it will be sold hopefully!
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