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Dr. Bronner's shave soap gel - Snot what you think.

On sale at Whole Foods for 5.99 with an in store coupon for $1 off, I figured $4.99 is a great price for organic shave gel, so my SCAD kicked in and I picked up some Dr. Bronner's shave soap gel.

Lavender scent smells great, not perfumy, just a nice clean lavender scent. Now, I understand it's organic, but it's still a bit surprising to see brown gel coming out of the tube, even more surprising that the consistency is so thick, that I had to hold the tube against the sink and push with all my might to squeeze some out of the tube, and most surprising of all was that when I finally did manage to squeeze some out it looked and felt just like brown snot.

Snot. You know, snot from your nasal cavities, mucus, phlegm, luggies, hockers, lung butter, cough clams, pulmonary plaster. Snot.

Now I like snot as much as the next guy, but usually I'm trying to blow it out of me and throw it away, not squeeze it out of a tube and rub it all over my face. Sure, when I'm sick I might blow my nose and take the occasional "snot glance" to look at what I just blew out of my body...ok, ok. Too much information, but my main point here, what I am trying to say is that this product may work fantastically, it may be amazing, but it is already fighting an uphill battle based on how it looks and feels.

Gonna go try it before I write anymore.

37 minutes later...

Ok, I just tried it. Smells fantastic, comes out brown and gooey, consistency is a bit off, alternately comes out kind of clumpy and runny, but lathers much better than I thought it would. Goes from a dark brown goo to a tan lather. Once it is turned into lather it feels better on the skin.

Due to it's snottiness, I thought it would be very slick, but once it is worked into a lather it is not nearly as slick as when it comes out of the tube. Decent shave, one minor nick on my chin, don't usually get any cuts though. Skin feels good, smooth and moisturized.

Going to give it another shot before I make any final judgments on this...anyone else out there try this stuff?
I can hear the 40 Year Old Spartan shouting, "This is lavender scented SNOT!" Another very funny post, Jim. Thanks for the laugh.
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I'm glad Dr. Bronner is making a shaving product. Were they able to fit all that inspired text on the little tube?

Thank you for the review. I love that healthier (?), more environmentally friendly alternatives are available. It's too bad this one doesn't perform as well as the favorites. I find it comforting, though, that these choices are available.

Thanks for this review... I've seen this stuff and have been curious, but haven't tried it. Please update regarding the slickness when you've had more time with it as this might be a deal killer for me. Appearance and consistency out of the tube isn't a big deal for me as long as it performs.
12 posts and I LOL'd 4 times. I think that's a record!

Baba, assuming it's a lathering cream, are you sure that you used enough water? ( I might have to try some of that... IF they have it in almond or peppermint. NOT!(!) a fan of lavender)

Thanks, guys! You're da bestest!:thumbup:
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