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Dovo Special tried to use twice...


I bought a Dovo special a while ago from http://www.dovorazors.com/stockrazors.html
they say all their razor come honed and shave ready.

When I first tried to use it it wouldn't cut my hair very well just kept catching and waas impossible to shave with.
I was going to sell but now I'm thnking of giving it another go. I was going to send it to Razor Sharpening UK but it turns out
from what I gather they are the same company as dovorazors.com.

So I don't know whether to send my Dovo Special to them as It may not be a good service
"I can only assume due to recieving my not so shave ready dovo in the first place".

What do you guys think? any other recommondations?

Kevin :)
Dovo razors really aren't shave-ready when you get them. They'll cut, but only people with soft sparse beards will think they're really ready to shave with. Find somebody to hone it or even get a stone and do it yourself, you'll be pleased with the results.
Hi Kevin,

Have you tried contacting dovorazors.com about this? IIRC the proprietor is very good at honing razors, and quite concientious. If you bought the razor pre-honed, I would expect that he'd be interested in checking and rehoning your razor if necessary.

Best of luck,

OP, if your razor was honed by something reputable but you cannot shave with it, it is more likely because of you than the razor. If you are no longer confident in the honing from the place you purchased the razor, you should have someone elso hone it. If it comes back and you still can't shave, then you'll know it's you and not the razor.
OP, if your razor was honed by something reputable but you cannot shave with it, it is more likely because of you than the razor. If you are no longer confident in the honing from the place you purchased the razor, you should have someone elso hone it. If it comes back and you still can't shave, then you'll know it's you and not the razor.

I know Steve Dempster personally and have bought 9 or 10 razors from him. His honing is excellent. Maybe you should try a flatter angle. On the other hand, even the best of us make mistakes. I agree with holli4pirating. If you don't feel comfortable going back to Steve, have someone else hone it. Another great honer that I know is Martin at Rasurpur.
kev is sending me his razor as i live in the uk ' I will shave with his razor and post what i think. Its quite right when i had my first shave or so i was not impressed even though my razor was honed by a very well known guy. I have purchased many items from steve some ti's etc and they have always shaved. I'm sure they are suposed to come prehoned by steve not hundred percent sure on that. i shop on is actual website not dovo razors so it could well be differant. He is very aproachable. I have spoke to him many times.
i received kev dovo this morning.I did'nt bother to shave with it, as it was so dull i could easily run my thumb across the edge. I have purchased ten dovo specials in the last year. I never came across one this dull. The razor clearly has a bevel but no edge to shave with i couls just chip a little arm hair of that was about it.
i received kev dovo this morning.I did'nt bother to shave with it, as it was so dull i could easily run my thumb across the edge. I have purchased ten dovo specials in the last year. I never came across one this dull. The razor clearly has a bevel but no edge to shave with i couls just chip a little arm hair of that was about it.

Well, there you go. The OP was right after all.
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