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Doughnut or Donut

Doughnut or Donut?

  • Doughnut

  • Donut

  • However Art spells it

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This issue recently came up, and I wanted to get some input on it. Doughnut is the correct spelling, but Donut has recently become accepted as a correct alternative spelling. As silly as it sounds, this kind of stuff is intriguing to me.

How do you spell it?
Doe knuts....

Okay, that was stupid. I spell it Doughnut most of the time, but will use Donut when in a rush to get what I'm saying typed in a hurry.
This issue recently came up, and I wanted to get some input on it. Doughnut is the correct spelling, but Donut has recently become accepted as a correct alternative spelling. As silly as it sounds, this kind of stuff is intriguing to me.

How do you spell it?

Depends on context. Informally maybe donut. But if I was writing a letter to my congressman it'd be doughnut.
I'm English and can handle correct spellings - such as colour, flavour, mould, haemoglobin, oestrogen, encyclopaedia, pharmacopoeia and so on.

Unlike you American chappies.:biggrin:
He is a cop in Utah. He's a very big chap (Samoan, which may be part of it) but how anyone can be a copper that size beats me.
I like the way "doughnut" looks, makes it sound less unhealthy than it is, though I prefer typing "donut" for brevity's sake.

Of course, I prefer olie bollen. :rolleyes:
Wait... There's an O at the beginning of estrogen?


And I believe both doughnut and donut are generally accepted spellings. I, as others have said, tend to go with "doughnut" in more formal contexts and "donut" in casual ones. Though when I think about it I don't recall the last time I wrote the word "doughnut" in a formal context.

And I believe both doughnut and donut are generally accepted spellings. I, as others have said, tend to go with "doughnut" in more formal contexts and "donut" in casual ones. Though when I think about it I don't recall the last time I wrote the word "doughnut" in a formal context.

Taking that one step further, when's the last time you've even talked about donuts in a formal context?
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