First of all, I heard this has menthol in it. Is it like Aqua Velva (which I adore)?
Second, where do you get it? I've seen this quite a bit in the SOTD series.
Second, where do you get it? I've seen this quite a bit in the SOTD series.
It can be found here.
You guys and you're crazy AS.
Never heard of it. Italian. Simple label. Monks make it? Great. It's blessed by the Almighty. Now, I have to find it.
Hi there,
bought that "Dopo Barba Di Camaldoli" yesterday at Manufactum in Hamburg / Germany. 20,50 Euro for 100ml.
What a great, wonderfull smelling After shave.
How can I describe the scent for you gents...there is no parfum or after shave which I know to compare it...
First of all there is a dominant scent of green melons combined with the scent of flowers. That scent is a brilliant mixture of freshness and in the same time it is as powdry as you know it from after shaves like the italian Floid or Edel 45. Althought it got menthol as ingrediant you will be disapointed if you are a fan of strong mentholated after shaves. The amount of menthol is almost unnoticeable. Four hours later I can still smell the scent of melons but not overpowering. The scent does not change, it only gets lighter with time. It gives you the feeling of pureness, trimness and is a noble companion through the whole day. That After Shave is more than worth the money.