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Door County, Wisconsin. Anywhere to find DE Razors?

I live in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin. I would be surprised if anyone here lives even in Door County

i'm sure there is a place in Green Bay, but that is not an option for me since i cannot drive that far.

so, i guess, anyone know of any places that sell DE razors IN Door County?
If not in Green Bay or the antique stores then there is only one option left - on-line. In thereal world I am an IT Specialist - fancy name for someone who works with computers for a living. My recomendation for security on-line is to stay away from sites that are likely hacker and conartist targets, such as ebay and amazon. Notice I did not say stay way from auctions, which I am personally oposed to the auction concept, just stay away from ebay. Haackers and conartits tend to congregate there. There are other fine auction sites, if you chose to go that route. As a general rule, my pals in computer security say, to buy on line in a secure maner stay away from sites that you have heard about. Classicshaving is an excelent example. Ever heard of them before, unless you are into DEs probably not. Therefore they are not a target and an excellent secure way to order what you need. Surf around and find some DE shops, there out there and 99.9% of them are 100% secure. Also when buying look at the web address, notice the first four letters of the web address. For Badger its http. When you go to check out on one of these sites look at the address and do not proceed unless the first four letters changes to https. The extra s is for secure.
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