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Don't shy away from the boar

Am new to wet shaving. After hearing all the buzz on brushes really wanted a good badger brush. But based on what I had learned I knew I did not want a cheap badger brush, I wanted to get a quality badger brush(silvertip would be nice). Then when I was shopping, looking at my very limited budget i realised that the "good" badger brushes would be cost prohibited. Plus I had not done this yet and did not want to waste a bunch of money if I did not like it. I figured I better off with a Good quality boar brush which is cheaper than a cheap badger brush, but would be better.
So i talked to Jarrod at superior shave. He recommended the omega 20102(its in my avatar). I was very happy with this brush, and it did not seem nearly as "stiff and rough" as some made them sound. I found the brush to be quite soft and nice. But taken that I do not have another brush reference point this is just based on the use of this brush. Did not get greatest lather first shave. Not sure if it is the brush, soap, or my technique. Sure i will figure it out. So if you need a cheap brush guys dont be afraid to get one of these. And some comments about it being to stiff and rough well, guess that depends on the guy and your reference point.
the superior shave. online great guys to work with. Their prices include shipping. Got my stuff in 2 days! not sure how but i did
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Boars take a bit of breaking in. They don't retain water that well to begin with. My experience is with Semogues which do take a few weeks, so Omegas will probably vary.

Added to that, you're learning to make lather too, and the trick to that is knowing your brush and cream/soap and how they work. It's also a bit of trial and error to know how to get the right consistency.

All the stickies in soaps and cream will help.

The only mistake you can make is expecting it all to come together in a week or two.
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