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Don't like Futur

When i decided to get into wet shaving 1.5 months ago, the first razor i bought was a futur. 3 week in to shaving, I bought a HD. I love the HD and find I am not using my Futur anymore because I like the smallness of the HD.

Wish i would have boughten the HD first....not I have a $95 Futur i never use. How do I go about trading this or selling this on here?
I would recommend hanging on to the Futur for 6 months to a year and then come back to it. You may decide you like it as you gain more experience. Also, prices are going up on Merkur razors so it may become slightly more valuable in the future.

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I test shaved a Futur and I couldn't get it to work for me.
Even set on 1 with a mild blade it felt like a over clocked FB on 14.
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I would recommend hanging on to the Futur for 6 months to a year and then come back to it. You may decide you like it as you gain more experience. Also, prices are going up on Merkur razors so it may become slightly more valuable in the future.


+1. I found that out myself. They do keep their value, you can put it on BST next year after trying it again.
If I like the Merkur HD and don't like the futur, what other razors would you recommend I purchase based on my liking of the HD?
If I like the Merkur HD and don't like the futur, what other razors would you recommend I purchase based on my liking of the HD?

Progress. Its like an adjustable HD

My Progress is growing on me. I'm thinking it may be better than my Futur, although I am quite happy with the Futur as well.
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I would recommend hanging on to the Futur for 6 months to a year and then come back to it. You may decide you like it as you gain more experience. Also, prices are going up on Merkur razors so it may become slightly more valuable in the future.



The Futur was my first DE and I struggled with it at first. I then bought a Fatboy and put the Futur away while I learnt the trade. Went back to the Futur 12 months later and it felt like a completely different razor.

If you can afford to I recommend that you keep it and try it again down the track.
just got a futur I love it. I use it on the 4th setting. BBS for sure. I practiced with an 89l exclusively for a year. I'm not giving up on my futur any time soon.
I traded mine. Coming off of a Tracer i would use pressure when i shaved with it and with the weight of those suckers i would just about take the skin off. I had wicked razor burn. As time progressed i started liking my Merkur 33C and ended up trading it for a straight razor.
If I like the Merkur HD and don't like the futur, what other razors would you recommend I purchase based on my liking of the HD?
The Edwin Jagger DE 89 i just got it and cant rate it enough. Im a newbie but what a razor. I wont be going back to straights to tell the truth. the bug has kicked ..
The HD and the Futur are very different. I enjoy shaving with my HD but like the difference a Futur brings. If I had to choose one I also would go with the HD.

The middle ground is the Progress modified Mergress. Smallish like the HD yet adjustable. Just got to get rid of that plastic knob.

- Aaron
The HD is definetly easier to use and will give a great bbs shave. I use mine on a daily basis as I don;t have to think when Im using it.

I still have my futur though and bring it out on special occaisions.
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