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DollarTree razor and soap review

So there's a thread about the DollarTree b-pure shave soap and I was very intrigued. So I went there to get the soap and saw they had also a handle with 5 stainless blades. Then I had to do it but pretty scared about the handle/blade combo

Here was my SOTD report:
Razor: Dollartree 3 piece
Blade: Dollartree stainless (1)
Brush: Custom boar bristle
Pre-shave: Hot shower using baby wash on face and head with facial scrubber
Lather: Dollartree b-pure
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements blue/white
Passes: 2
Post Shave Routine and products:
1 - Hot rinse with microfiber towel X2
2 - Cold rinse with microfiber towel X1
3 - Alum block
4 - Cold rinse with microfiber towel X1
5 - Aftershave - Marmara #3
6 - Balm: Nivea sensitive skin

NOTES: Wanted to try just to see what the absolute least expensive shave possible was. A thread about the b-pure shave soap prompted this. The razor is super light (25g) total. Cheap stamped metal with high shine finish. The blade was a stainless low grade blade. It was very draggy. The soap is soapy meaning kind of tacky and not so slick. It lathered okish and deflated pretty quick. Not slick but got the job done. The razor is very aggressive, had to use a very light touch. Feedback was a low burn from alum and aftershave but the nivea knocked it right down. Not very enjoyable but just utilitarian. Smooth shave and I'll take it over a cartridge still. 7/10

After a day I found my skin to be pretty irritated and had a couple non-bleeding cuts.

All in all, I wanted to see what the rock bottom cheapest shave I could.

This prompted me to dig a little deeper. I looked around and found a handle called Roman Empire - Agustus. It is an Italian made chrome handle and comes with 20 decent blades of good quality for $12.99. So this seems like a decent quality handle with very popular blades. Put that with a basic Omega boar brush, a decent soap/cream and use a cereal bowl to lather.

My brother said that DE shaving is far more popular around the world than cartridge shaving. I haven't validated that but what do you all have to add?

Here's some pics.


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Nice review. I found the B pure soap to be okay and slick enough. The next time you're there grab a bar of the Dove Men Care +. It has shaving listed as one of it's uses. $1.25 I've used it a few times with good results using it like a shave stick (I did the same with the B pure). It does the job well enough, but it's not as good as most dedicated shaving soaps.

Next check out a Gilette Super Blue razor from AliExpress for less than $3. It's basically a modern day tech using the cheapest materials possible. It's actually a good razor if on the mild side. It only comes with one blade though, but it's pretty good IMO. It looks like the razor you used is trying to copy the Super Blue razor.
I didn't really mind the blades. I've had worse. The razor was way too aggressive for me and the brush was worse than the razor. I'm now only using the brush to scrub my sink.

Somebody in my little town likes the soap though. I went in there to grab something for work one day and saw a whole shelf of it. Went back a couple of days later and it was all gone.
Nice review. I found the B pure soap to be okay and slick enough. The next time you're there grab a bar of the Dove Men Care +. It has shaving listed as one of it's uses. $1.25 I've used it a few times with good results using it like a shave stick (I did the same with the B pure). It does the job well enough, but it's not as good as most dedicated shaving soaps.

Next check out a Gilette Super Blue razor from AliExpress for less than $3. It's basically a modern day tech using the cheapest materials possible. It's actually a good razor if on the mild side. It only comes with one blade though, but it's pretty good IMO. It looks like the razor you used is trying to copy the Super Blue razor.
Cool, I'll check both those out, thanks. I'm going to make the low cost stuff part of this fun hobby as well.

I like the nice stuff better though LOL


Likes a fat handle in his hand
From what I could tell, everybody who takes one for the team, to test those Dollar Tree razors, end up with a very uncomfortable aggressive shave. Another thing I've learned, is that these Dollar Tree razors don't last very long either. They have poor plating, it flakes off fast, and the razor corrodes super fast. I am honestly surprised that whoever makes those razors, don't go up against copyright infringement, its obvious that they are trying to copy a Gillette Tech razor by design. But I suppose they get away with it because they do such a terrible job making them razors, that nobody is fooled by them, and know, they aint no authentic Gillette razor lol.

As I always do however, I like to give thanks to those who take one for the team, to test these Dollar Tree razors. I for one, lack the bravery to take those monsters to my face. People love to talk about how aggressive the R41 is on this board. Yeah well, from what I understand, these Dollar Tree razors are even more aggressive then an R41, and far less comfortable then an R41. And heck, if the razor falls apart in your hand, well, that alone can be a disaster if it happened when the razor was on your face lol. Honestly, the Dollar Tree quotes inflation as the reason for increase in prices beyond a dollar now, well, might as well put another dollar into make those razors safer then for people to use lol.
From what I could tell, everybody who takes one for the team, to test those Dollar Tree razors, end up with a very uncomfortable aggressive shave. Another thing I've learned, is that these Dollar Tree razors don't last very long either. They have poor plating, it flakes off fast, and the razor corrodes super fast. I am honestly surprised that whoever makes those razors, don't go up against copyright infringement, its obvious that they are trying to copy a Gillette Tech razor by design. But I suppose they get away with it because they do such a terrible job making them razors, that nobody is fooled by them, and know, they aint no authentic Gillette razor lol.

As I always do however, I like to give thanks to those who take one for the team, to test these Dollar Tree razors. I for one, lack the bravery to take those monsters to my face. People love to talk about how aggressive the R41 is on this board. Yeah well, from what I understand, these Dollar Tree razors are even more aggressive then an R41, and far less comfortable then an R41. And heck, if the razor falls apart in your hand, well, that alone can be a disaster if it happened when the razor was on your face lol. Honestly, the Dollar Tree quotes inflation as the reason for increase in prices beyond a dollar now, well, might as well put another dollar into make those razors safer then for people to use lol.
Last I checked at my Dollar Tree, those razors were made in China. China doesn't care about copying or stealing other's products.


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Last I checked at my Dollar Tree, those razors were made in China. China doesn't care about copying or stealing other's products.

Your absolutely right, and because of that stealing behavior, is why we have so many cloned products sold on the web, the problem is quite rampid IMO. Thats why one has to be careful buying from general retailers like Amazon for example, sellers have no problem fooling people and taking your money. Amazon has no problem with it either, or the'd axe all them off the site by now.
There are two Dollar Tree razors, each costing $1. The three-piece that was reviewed is ultra-aggressive, so much so that I retired it from service. The one-piece TTO is much more forgiving and actually shaves quite well. Unfortunately mine fell apart after a year. But, not bad for a buck
The 5 blades that come with them free are actually quite good. Very sharp but not harsh. I got 3 BBS shaves out of each of them.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I liked it too ... but haven't seen it in a while. My "soap and aftershave overflow" Box No6 had to go out to the garage ... somewhere ...

I was there yesterday, shopping, of course, for the lovely War Department; Christmas is nearly upon us! Anyhoo, there was no soap to be found. Possibly all bought out by @Mike M ? He does like a deal!

One of the things on my "Honey-Dew" list is getting my "Shaving Mess" in order. So I'll probably be scarce today.

If I'm not back tomorrow, send the cadaver dogs out behind my hillbilly gun range. I'll be dressed in bright orange, and the little woman will be in Fla!
From what I could tell, everybody who takes one for the team, to test those Dollar Tree razors, end up with a very uncomfortable aggressive shave. Another thing I've learned, is that these Dollar Tree razors don't last very long either. They have poor plating, it flakes off fast, and the razor corrodes super fast. I am honestly surprised that whoever makes those razors, don't go up against copyright infringement, its obvious that they are trying to copy a Gillette Tech razor by design. But I suppose they get away with it because they do such a terrible job making them razors, that nobody is fooled by them, and know, they aint no authentic Gillette razor lol.

As I always do however, I like to give thanks to those who take one for the team, to test these Dollar Tree razors. I for one, lack the bravery to take those monsters to my face. People love to talk about how aggressive the R41 is on this board. Yeah well, from what I understand, these Dollar Tree razors are even more aggressive then an R41, and far less comfortable then an R41. And heck, if the razor falls apart in your hand, well, that alone can be a disaster if it happened when the razor was on your face lol. Honestly, the Dollar Tree quotes inflation as the reason for increase in prices beyond a dollar now, well, might as well put another dollar into make those razors safer then for people to use lol.
All good points to be sure...
I picked up two of those razors a few months back — more for the handles than for any other reason. I did shave with one of them, but it was not worth the effort. I didn't like how light it seemed so I even tried the head on a heavier handle, but it didn't seem to improve the results.

If forced to shave with a Dollar Tree razor I'd stick to the old TTO they used to carry. If I take my time with that one it can deliver a modestly decent shave.
This prompted me to dig a little deeper. I looked around and found a handle called Roman Empire - Agustus. It is an Italian made chrome handle and comes with 20 decent blades of good quality for $12.99. So this seems like a decent quality handle with very popular blades. Put that with a basic Omega boar brush, a decent soap/cream and use a cereal bowl to lather.

I have the Roman Empire Augustus and Caesar razors. When I bought them they were $9 each on Amazon, and for that price, the blade sampler and the handles were worth more than that.

I found the Caesar to actually be a very nice razor. It comes with a DE89 clone head that gives very mild and comfortable shaves. The Augustus shaves well also, but I think I like the heavier head of the Caesar a touch more.

Didn't mean to derail the thread but I like hyping these razors because to me they are incredible bargains.
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