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Dollar Tree a/s Green and Blue

A while back these two a/s appeared on the shelves at the local Dollar Tree.They have identical ingredient lists,including such goodies as ,glycerin,propylene glycol,castor oil for skin care and some antimicrobial ingredients and astringent components.

The "Fresh" scent is blue and has a light powder scent not a Velva type scent or marine scent as may be assumed by the color.
The "Original" scent is green and is a mentholated powder scent ,which is odd as menthol is not in the ingredient list.It is in the realm of Skin Bracer but much weaker.

For a buck they are good value.Scent wise they pretty much fade out (90%)in an hour or two.

An idea floated in my head.The green is in the Skin Bracer neighborhood,so why not add it to some SB to give it a powder finish?I did so with a splash of witch hazel added to the bottle.The result was a nice a/s with menthol and powdery components.

The blue I mixed with some Lustray Blue Spice for a variation of the powder scent.It is okay but I like the green-SB mix better.

Give them a try.
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