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Dollar Shave Club

The handles and cartridges they sell are Dorco brand, Korean. You can get them for less if you buy directly from Dorco in larger quantities. I've just used some Dorco DE ST-300 blades myself. Not the best but not the worst by far. I got a little irritation but a pretty good shave.

I like the DSC concept and I'd probably buy from them if I was using cartridges. Getting them mailed to me automagically and billed to my card would be great. And their video is hilarious :)

The handles and cartridges they sell are Dorco brand, Korean. You can get them for less if you buy directly from Dorco in larger quantities. I've just used some Dorco DE ST-300 blades myself. Not the best but not the worst by far. I got a little irritation but a pretty good shave.

I like the DSC concept and I'd probably buy from them if I was using cartridges. Getting them mailed to me automagically and billed to my card would be great. And their video is hilarious :)


Kinda off subject but try the Dorco ST 301 blades, I really like them, IMO miles ahead of the 300s
Thanks, I will! I'm working my way through a sample pack, taking notes, and figuring out what to try next. I'll put 301s on the list. Scott
I love their ad when I first saw it years ago before they shipped to Canada, after I discoved wet shaving I thought I would see if they added to their inventory, sadly they have not.
Thank You Tom For the links, I Tried searching and found none, but after i posted they came up as related
I tried Dollar Shave Club before switching to DE razors. The ad was catchy and I liked what I heard. However, the actual product and more importantly their business practices were less than ideal. The razors themselves were okay. Not great by any stretch and certainly not as good as their ads proclaim. So for me that left the convenience factor. Unfortunately, they had (not sure if they still do this) this practice of billing my credit card a week or two before actually shipping the product. My understanding is that this is an illegal practice. But aside from that, it spoke of a company experiencing cash flow problems or simply mismanaged. I'll chalk it up to growing pains, but decided in the end it just wasn't for me.

Went back to supermarket cartridges for another six months before discovering this forum and making the switch to DE razors. I couldn't be happier. The price is cheaper than Dollar Shave Club and the quality of the shaves is orders of magnitude better.
I am not a fan of the disposable razors myself for environmental reasons, but their concept is spot on.

You get razors sent directly to you, billed to your CC, and you never have to worry about running out.
I am not a fan of the disposable razors myself for environmental reasons, but their concept is spot on.

You get razors sent directly to you, billed to your CC, and you never have to worry about running out.
Well I sort of did that already when I ordered a 100 astras and 100 feathers, I can see that I'm going to be good to go for a long while! And I'm sure over time not including my RAD I'll be well under a buck a month!
Thank You Tom For the links, I Tried searching and found none, but after i posted they came up as related

The search function on this site is not the best. You will have much better luck if you use Google to search. Just include badgerandblade.com with your search criteria in the Google's search window.
I figured out that I could get similar cartridges from Dollar General for less, so that kind of ended my interest in DSC.
I thought of ordering the $1 razor just to use for touchups around my ears when I shave my head, but then I remembered that 1 disposable razor lasts me about a year for touchups.. and even then I just junk for no good reason other than a year is up. I would have a large number of cartridges just laying around not being used.
Ok, OLD thread but was just now surfing the internet and came across their commercial and one thing lead to another. This is their theme song at the end of the commercial. A thread is not complete without a tune!

Kind of catchy. Has a 70's beat to it. As to what it means? I have no idea but get's into your head.. I know Karate...I know Ju Jitsu...:biggrin1:
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I have not subscribed to DSC although I liked their ads. As a transition to full DE conversion I sent my stepfather, who was frustrated with the cost of Mach 3 carts, a Dorco (the M3 analogue) and blades which he claims are just as good as far as he is concerned.
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