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Dollar General DE Blades

Hello everyone. I was wondering what is inside the 5 pack of Dollar General DE blades? I saw a 5 pack for $1 today. The package says "compare to schick". Who makes these blades for DG? Are they worth the $1 for 5 when you can get the 10 pack of Personnas from Wally's World for less than $2? I know people like different blades and some work better than others for different folks but I am still curious. :)
I believe they are some kind of personna blades also. I have 2 different packages to try out soon - 1 of them says platinum the other says stainless IIRC.
Dont bother with the platinum ones but the stainless ones are ok. I think you are better off ordering some Derby's or 7 oclocks online.
If they say "Made in Korea" on the package, they are likely some variation of Dorco's which are not very highly regarded among these parts.

I can get the Wal-Mart Personna's for $1.67 for 10, and they would certainly be a better quality blade than the Dorco's in my opinion. I have tried them, they are not awful, but other blades similarly priced such as Derby are way better. :thumbup1::thumbup1:

The Wal-Mart Personna's would be 16.70 per 100, and the Red Pack IP's available through West Coast Shaving, which are a superior blade, are just $10.00 per 100.
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If they say "Made in Korea" on the package, they are likely some variation of Dorco's which are not very highly regarded among these parts.

I can get the Wal-Mart Personna's for $1.67 for 10, and they would certainly be a better quality blades than the Dorco's in my opinion. I have tried them, they are not awful, but other blades similarly priced such as Derby are way better. :thumbup1::thumbup1:

The Wal-Mart Personna's would be 16.70 per 100, and the Red Pack IP's available through West Coast Shaving, which are a superior blade, are just $10.00 per 100.

I have WPs and the DG's sitting in front of me, and I liked the DG better honestly, seemed sharper.

HOWEVER they still SUCK :mad:

Look at my review in Dollar General Updates under
The Dollar General Shaver
So far in my limited time wet shaving as a newbie I have used the red IP's, Derby's, and Astra...and I can say that the red pack IP's are my favorites. They are more gentle on my face and do not feel like they will cut me if I make a mistake (even though I know they could).
When I go back to DG I will have to get the item number. Maybe they have a couple different lines or suppliers based on which area of the country you are living in. I have seen this happen with the Walmart motor oil Tech2000 line. Sometimes it is hard to know what is really in the package.
I have a pack of DG blades that I bought Mondoay for backups in case my sample pack didn't arrive. Thankfully, I didn't have to use them. The pack I have has "Made in USA" on them.

This morning I tried my first green Gillette 7o'clock. I will probably be ordering more of those.
I bought some DG blades to try when I didn't have anything else. They were the only ones close to where I live. Made in Korea. I didn't get a good result from the blades. I found them uncomfortable and irritating. I would not recommend them at any price.
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