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Dogs and Badger Hair

Ok, for me this makes sense, but some of you may think it's crazy. My dogs are nutty for badger. Whenever I get a new brush, they will follow me around the house, just to get a whiff. I'm sure if I left one down, it would get chewed up. My smaller one knew there was a knot in the package from TGN before I opened it up!
Nope... not crazy. My dog is always interested in the smell of a new brush. He's pretty mild mannered, so I just get it out of they way and let him have a big whiff right out of the box, and then he pretty much leaves it alone after that.
I have four dogs and never have had any problem with it. But they are sight hounds (Greyhounds and Borzoi) so that may make a difference in the fact they don't rely on their nose that much.
My wife and I have had birddogs our entire adult lives. They appear to show no interest in the brushes, but they're trained to leave off game, and fur in particular... But even so, I would expect some interest if any was there..
They know; badgers are prey and boars are to be respected....:devil:

Beware the Queensland "pig dog" used for hunting & holding wild pigs. The only ones I have seen were a bull mastiff cross a fearsome looking beasts as strong as ox's and as brave as all get out.
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