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Does this creep you out?

Does this creep anyone else besides me? I think I would rather see that guy on the horse than this.
Would love to have some of that Burley and/or Lime though. The valet packs would be a bonus too!

I don't know... most aftershaves use hot women to sell their product and/or they amp up the macho he-man image. A little girl in a love seat talking about her Daddy just caught me by surprise... maybe its just me. What happened to a manly man like Charles Bronson selling Mandom by tossing it all over himself? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEqA84R0lYU
No...wait... that was even creepier.
Eh..... creepy, I don't know. If you take the slogan in the context of Cole Porter's song "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" where the woman in the movie is usually singing while performing a striptease with a fur coat on or something..... then maybe. But the little girl is not wearing a fur coat so..... I guess not.

I don't really see that as creepy. But I agree that it isn't an ad that you would be likely to see today.
No offense intended to the OP nor to anyone else, but this ad is from an entirely different era back when people weren't conditioned to read sex into most of life. In my opinion, the world was a much saner and better place back then.
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Maybe I'm missing some hidden message, but when I look at this ad, I see a girl giving Old Spice to her Dad for Father's Day. That seems rather sweet, not creepy.
Different times. Before they redefined what is normal and what is (automatically) considered pervy.
People wouldn't have got the wrong idea from that ad, because such activities were practically unheard of and not at the forefront of people's minds. (Even if they may have been happening without public awareness.)

The wording was probably chosen to match the song which would have been more familiar to people back then.
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