So I'm still getting used to my new pens, having mostly used cheap ballpoints for many years.
Right now I am a Lamy Al-Star and a Waterman Phileas. Both are using their own respective brands of ink, but the Waterman has a cartridge in it, whereas I'm using the converter in the Lamy. Both are medium nibs. When the cartridge in the Phileas runs out, I'll put some ink in the coverter from a bottle of Diamine Sapphire Blue.
I was at my girlfriends place over the weekend and showed her my new pens. She used fountain pens in private school abroad before college, so I was curious about her opinion. She said she much preferred the Waterman because it wrote a lot smoother.
At this point, I like both pens, but I'm not 100% sure if I prefer the drier flow of the Lamy or the wetter flow of the Waterman.
Does anything write like the Waterman? Or do most brands run drier?
Right now I am a Lamy Al-Star and a Waterman Phileas. Both are using their own respective brands of ink, but the Waterman has a cartridge in it, whereas I'm using the converter in the Lamy. Both are medium nibs. When the cartridge in the Phileas runs out, I'll put some ink in the coverter from a bottle of Diamine Sapphire Blue.
I was at my girlfriends place over the weekend and showed her my new pens. She used fountain pens in private school abroad before college, so I was curious about her opinion. She said she much preferred the Waterman because it wrote a lot smoother.
At this point, I like both pens, but I'm not 100% sure if I prefer the drier flow of the Lamy or the wetter flow of the Waterman.
Does anything write like the Waterman? Or do most brands run drier?