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Does anyone think this would work?

Ok so lately I have been thinking about purchasing a scuttle to keep my lather nice and warm in the mornings and that got me to thinking about using a hot plate. Do you guys think something like this would work if I place my ceramic mug on it and keep the temp. on low? I assume my lather would stay much warmer than any kind of scuttle out there. What do you guys think?

Maybe something like this...
Just get a candle warmer, I use these for jar candles instead of making my ceilings black.

You could probably get one at a dollar store these days. I think it would be safer and take up less space than a hot plate. It will get plenty hot enough. You'd have to start it before you shave, maybe before showering...but to get really fancy, get a Christmas light timer for it , fill your scuttle the night before and it will be ready when you wake up.

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It woun't hurt to try, but those really get hot even on a low setting and will probably dry out your lather.
+1 on the candle warmer suggestion. Here's my setup.

View attachment 87048

I've since replaced the teacup-in-a-teacup with a scuttle and it works very nicely.

22 Watts instead of 1,000 W for the hot plate linked to. It's best not to set the mug/bowl directly on the burner, as you get hot spots. With my former setup or my current scuttle it works much better.

- Chris
Hmmmm, 1st question, what is the downside to a scuttle? 2nd, I would think that the hot plate would make the bottom of the pottery VERY warm. I think that the scuttle is a good idea because the hot water surrounds the outer bowl, hence the lather. It may also be seaier to control the heat with a scuttle and an electric kettle with variable temp control. like this one that I just purchased.: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001A5NFQA/ref=ox_ya_oh_product

You can also make your own scuttle type unit like this one. Or one of various designs discussed in these forums.


Just buy a scuttle. Used properly, the lather will stay warm throughout your shave. I bought one of those self-watering flower pots and even that works great and it was only $4.
My scuttle can do the job by itself, for the most part. The reasons I use it on the candle warmer are:

- My tap water doesn't get very warm.
- My bathroom is typically 65° F
- It allows the scuttle temperature to remain constant over the course of the shave.
I actually have a candle warmer so I think I'm going to give it a try the next time I shave. I still like the idea of a scuttle. It looks really nice set out on the counter and keeps my lather warm. I was just wondering if any one had tried warming their bowls on a hot plate or something similar. It appears some people have. Thanks all for the input.
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