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Documentary recommendations?

I'm on a Documentary kick now and am looking for some that may be on Netflix, not much on History Channel as confirmed in another thread. I am open to pretty much anything, be it wartime, true crime, etc.
Two that I've recently watched, and can recommend:
The Thin Blue Line

What you guys got?

I found the documentary "This film is not yet rated", it's about the movie rating system "G, PG PG13,...." I always thought that the ratings seemed odd and inconsistent. It's interesting to see how ratings are assigned, it's quite different from what I was expecting.

"Happy People: A year in the Taiga" by Werner Herzog

Those are two docs I've watched recently and have enjoyed.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Supersize Me was interestingly stupid. The guy eats nothing but fast food for an entire month and documents via doctors and nutrition experts the effects.........the ill effects. the "fast food vs. real food" test at the end was funny yet alarming.

Planet Earth=awesomeness. I think it is a 7 part series. was on discovery channel. do it.
Shut Up Little Man
The Fog Of War
The Smartest Guys In The Room (The Enron Story)

These are a few really interesting movies.
The Ritchie Boys,Ken Burns documentary on WW II was pretty good. There was another one on Netflix about a unit that was in Alaska that ran into a Nazi unit unexpectedly that was pretty interesting. I just did a search on Netflix they have a bunch of WW II stuff and some organized crime stuff too. Good luck.
The Fog Of War. Listening to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara talk about the bombing and killing of hundreds of thousands of people, with so little emotion, is more frightening than any horror movie. While a lot of it is centered on Vietnam, there's some interesting WW2 discussion & footage, including the fire-bombing of Japan which is something you don't hear much about.
Oh isht, I also forget about the joint that Warner Herzog made about the dude who got killed by the Grizzly Bear. I think it's called. Grizzly Man, that's a really dope movie. Also After Porn Ends, The Madoff Affair, Camp 14, and Kimjongilia. I'm bit of a film buff. This is why I love Badger and Blade so much, and why I'm a contributer. I get to talk about so many of my interests.
The Fog Of War. Listening to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara talk about the bombing and killing of hundreds of thousands of people, with so little emotion, is more frightening than any horror movie. While a lot of it is centered on Vietnam, there's some interesting WW2 discussion & footage, including the fire-bombing of Japan which is something you don't hear much about.


it's crazy. He reminds me a lot of Rumsfeld, in the way that everything was a stat and a number. Don't forget, both we're very successful in the private sector before they both accepted head posts at the DOD.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I'm really partial to Morgan Spurlock. If you h e Netflix, they have a whole documentary section.
I'm really partial to Morgan Spurlock. If you h e Netflix, they have a whole documentary section.

Yeah, but what I diidn't like about the McDonald's movie is that, you'd get ill if you ate any kind of food that long. Somebody did an experiment in which they just ate salads for that same length of time and that had crazy iron decencies and their skin turnd yellow. Them someone else went to McDonald's and just got busy on hamburgers, salads and yogurt, and they were healthier than when they started the experiment. So that flick proved nothing, other than, if you eat garbage, you will feel like garbage.

Children underground (homeless children in Romania). I made all three of my children watch this and it had a major impact on their attitudes. This is an extremely hard hitting docu.

I'd recommend "Alone in the Wilderness" by Bob Swerer. It's about a man, Bob Proenneke, who wants to live the simple life in the Alaskan wilderness. It documents his nearly 30 years in Twin Lakes, AK. You can usually catch it on PBS or your local library may have a copy of the video. Here's a website to find out a bit more.... www.aloneinthewilderness.com
Not sure if it is available through "rental" yet, but "Searching For Sugarman" is now one of my all time favorites.
Born Into Brothels
Winnebago Man
Degenerate Art
The Cove
These are a few that stick out to me that I have watched before and recently. I'm a sucker for a good documentary!
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