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Do you shave with one hand or two?

Just wondering if its better to work on an alternate grip with my dominant hand or work on shaving with both hands. What do you all think?


My elbows leak
Staff member
To each their own.
For me, I figured - I have to learn everything from scratch.
How to hold the blade, how to use it.
It seemed to me that it was going to seem awkward at first, even with my dominant hand.
If I had to go through the learning process, why not learn it with both hands at the same time.
After a very short time, it felt no more awkward in the non-dominant hand than in the dominant one.
So, for me, the answer is both hands, and doing excellently.
Work on both hands. It's much easier to shave with your off hand than you would think. You really shave with your wrist not your fingers, and "handedness" is mostly a fingers phenomenon. It's not uncommon for guys to get better shaves with their off hand than their dominate hand, and fewer nicks as well.
I use both. Once I committed, it was easier than I thought to learn. There are still some strokes/angles that I'm not comfortable with, but I think it will come in time.
I use both here, Mind you, part of that is because I find it really really difficult and awkward to do an ATG on my right side with my right hand, and same again with the left side, so yeah, The hand opposite the side of the face I'm shaving works just as easilly in that situation
When I started, I resisted using my right hand.

Then I gave in, and got great shaves.

Then(now) I only use my Left hand, and get even better shaves.

I could do a shave entirely with either hand, but it will be more comfortable with just my Left.

i started with one, but eventually have moved to using both (though I still use my right hand more)
+1 I started with just one hand then changed to two on the WTG pass, and now after a few months I've forced myself to switch to both on the ATG pass. It was hard at first the biggest problem being just holding the razor firmly in my offhand, but it gets there eventually.


i started with one, but eventually have moved to using both (though I still use my right hand more)
I mainly use my dominant hand (left) but frequently change hand depending on which side or angle I'm going for.
I use both hands -- swap the razor around as best allows proper grip and access to area being shaved. In the short run this is one more obstacle in your path but in the long run it is actually easier.

I used to play a musical instrument. I have long since abandoned that but one lesson learned is that it is possible and often necessary to train both hands for best results. Another related lesson -- don't just do what seems easiest, but do as teacher says!
Another related lesson -- don't just do what seems easiest, but do as teacher says!
Now do that without using your left hand.

Now do that without using your right hand.

Now do that without using shaving cream.

Now do that without using a blade.

Now do that without using a razor.

Now do that without using your face.

Did you have the same music theory teacher as me?
wow. I'm shocked how many of you answered both. i can't IMAGINE using my non-dominant (left) hand for such a task. I can't even write a legible word with it. nor can I blow my nose with my right, being so used to doing it with my left. it's also hard for me to see the reason; you can reach across just fine? one friend told me it was about blocking his vision, but that doesn't seem an issue to me. .
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