The reason for the two Atra handles is that I was afraid that I could not buy them anymore after the Sensor was introduced. The second one is my backup, but so far, the first one has never broken. Nor has the Trac II handle.
You can say anything for Gillette, but the handles they produced were quality stuff. At least in the Trac / Atra days.
This will be a very lopsided poll!
I have 5 that I use regularly, a couple I use occasionally and a few more that I just bought due to RAD and will probably hardly ever use as they are borderline user-grade
I use a Lord L6 every day, and it is the only one in my rotation. I do have several backups though, for as much as the razor produces a perfect shave for me, I do question it's long term durability.
I had 28 straights but sold 3 off about 2 weeks ago and will continue to reduce that number, I shave with them all to work out what type I like better and started to sell off the rest, it appears that my preference is for the bigger/heavier near wedge type, eventually I will whittle the number down to about 8 razors.
Had a friend drop his and the thread post broke befor he was finished shaving. Took him a while to get it replaced. I decieded then I didn't want to be with out at least 1 back up razor. When I was using Carts I always had back up dispoables on hand so it seemed logical to me...