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Do you match strop to razor, grind, or other?

For those of you with a couple of strops, do you find yourself favoring particular strops with particular razors, or types of razors? I find I like how hollow-er razors feel on my K3, but wedgier razors seem to "go" best with the TM Old No. 2. I don't know if this is a matter of draw, leather thickness or flexibility. Do you match strop to razor?
Heavier grind blades and those with decorated spines see horsehide or latigo. The hollow grinds with plain spines see cordovan or Russian leather.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
For some reason the hollow like a zippy draw and the wedges like a more plodding draw when I strop.
I tend to do the same thing. I will typically use my K3 or TM steerhide for hollow ground razors, and my Scrupleworks Oil Tanned Horsehide usually sees wedges and the like. I like a light draw for my hollows, and a more pronounced heavy draw for my wedge razors....
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