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Do you like or hate Derby's?

Yesterday I was using a Derby Extra (cut in half) in my shavette. Absolutely terrible. Nearly impossible to shave.
I tossed it and loaded the other half of the (same) blade. Smooth shave with absolutely no complaints.
This was the first time having trouble with a Derby (ok, I only used 5 or 6 so far), but, as stated before, I wont buy them again.
Derby Extra blades are inconsistent for me with my last 100 purchase for what ever reason. There are better blades out there for a few dollars more that are consistent.
Derby Premium's are great
For me the Derby's result in a fairly decent shave but I find them rough and they give me a burning feeling for hours. Tried them in all my razors with the same result. Don't use them anymore.
I haven't used Derby in a couple of years. They always worked for me. I only stopped using them because I found Wilkinson Sword Classic locally at price cheaper than the internet and I'd rather support local traders.
Dislike, I haven't tried them in years. I might just load one up next week to see if I've changed my mind. I have 100 so I'm hoping I can get something servicable from them. I have yet to try them with an aggressive razor so maybe that's the ticket.
I like Derby Extra blade just fine. I have 200 of them to use up. I get just as good a shave from Derby blades that I do with any others in my rotation.
After two years in the hobby I finally tried Derby 'premium' in my Chrome series Rockwell 6s (R3 Plate) . Pretty comfortable and allowed me to have a very smooth BBS shave. The third shave was still pretty good but I think I can feel the blade might be 'on the turn'. I'll try a fourth shave and see tomorrow.

I'd say I hold no particular dislike of this blade but nor would I say it's up there with my favourites. It haunts a bracket of blades I would call fair to middlin'.
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They were my first blade pack purchase for a cool $6. I have used them extensively, and I like them enough, but since my discovery of Voskhod and Rapira blades, I never use mine anymore. I'm thinking of doing a PIF with some razors, blades, and an AS and soap for beginners so I may throw some in there. For their price, they should be tried, but I've personally moved on.
Update. Well I popped one in my Muhle R89, and had a great shave. go figure. The last time I shaved with one was a few years ago in a Merkur 34C. I did take it slow and easy as I was expecting it to hurt. I could tell that it was kinda bity like a Feather, that's why it was a slow go. But it turned out to be a smooth and comfortable shave afterwards with no nicks or burning. Stumped.

Maybe was different razor or that I just took it slow, like I would use a straight. I guess time will tell if they seem to have longevity in my razor.
Ah yes...the much maligned Derby blade. I included them in a blade challenge I did a while back as I was searching for my new "King of the Blades". I included the Derby and was surprised to find it performed rather well. A fine blade -- both sharp and smooth. It didn't make the final cut in my very unscientific trial because it just didn't have lasting power for me. Had to scrap it after 5 shaves.:frown2: (FYI...GSB was crowned King of the Blades.) :euro:
I don't like them. They work well on soft hair but the moment they hit anything though they just cannot cut through it, even in a slant. I bought a slant hoping that it may improve the performance of the derby blade. Nope. If you have a very soft facial hair then they will probably work very well otherwise they are a tough ride. I used one in a slant and I swear the blade literally spring boarded off a hair follicle.

P.S. If you have facial hair like it came from Krypton or you can light a safety match off you 5 o'clock shadow. Where a feather blade is not a suggestion but a requirement then Derby may not be for you.
I'm still not sure where I stand on Derby blades. My main question comes down to consistency, because I've tried some that were really bad, where it seemed like there had to have been a manufacturing defect, but others that were great. If they were always like the great ones, they would rank pretty high for me, but those bad ones were probably the worst blade I've ever tried and left a pretty bad impression.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Hate is a pretty strong word. They are not sharp enough for my beard. I don't harbor ill will toward them, I just never, ever use them.
Hate is a pretty strong word. They are not sharp enough for my beard. I don't harbor ill will toward them, I just never, ever use them.

I do harbor ill will toward them. Twice a week I curse at them and call them dull and not pretty. Sometimes I have violent tendencies and I abuse them by putting them in a vise and grinding them with a grinder. Some weekends after much drinking I emotionally abuse calling them not fit to be part of my shaving life and telling them they should not exist in this world. I think I need to go see a shaving psychologist because it is just too much and it is emotionally exhausting.

"Damn you Derby!!! Damn you!!!!!!" in Charleton Heston vibe

P.S. this is a joke just in case you didn't get it.
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