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Do you have both a "normal" and "quick" shaving routine?

As the title asks, do you have 2 separate routines depending on the circumstances?

For me a routine is automatic, subconcious and almost becomes "muscle memory." Once I start into it the steps are automatic. I have my normal A routine for when I have time and a quick B routine for when I am pressed.

A) Results = 10/10, time 10-15 minutes
-10-15 drops pre-shave oil
-brushless shave cream + tallow shaving soap superlather
-Proraso Pre/Post + post-shave hot towel
-Witch hazel
-Aftershave splash

B) Results = 9/10, time 5-10 minutes
-15-20 drops pre-shave oil
-more brushless shave cream (I have transfered to lotion pump dispenser so it is quick access)
-Witch hazel
-Proraso ASB
-Aftershave splash

Basically the difference between the two is for the quick routine I drop the brush and increase the amount of oil and brushless shave cream. I also drop the post-shave hot towel. Both routines are 4 passes. In addition to less shaving time from building lather etc. this also makes for a lot less clean up and drops maybe over 10 minutes if I am really hurrying. Final results are roughly equal but routine A is definitely more enjoyable.

Anyone else have 2 different set routines?
I don't even really have a set routine when it comes to prep. Ususally, the speed of my shaves is determined by the razor/blade i use (injector with NOS platinum + being the quick shave solution :thumbup1:)

In a pinch, i've found that face lathering with a stick is the quickest prep possible. I can do a 3 pass dfs in less than 5 mins if necessary.
In a pinch, i've found that face lathering with a stick is the quickest prep possible. I can do a 3 pass dfs in less than 5 mins if necessary.

+1. My normal shave goes like this: Go down stairs and hit the button on the water kettle, have a cup of coffee, fill scuttle reservoir and bowl with the heated water from the kettle, soak brush, wash face with Musgo Real lime oil soap, hot towel prep (if I haven't started with a shower), either PSO or Proraso Pre, brush teeth while the pre-treatment sits, don pants, empty scuttle bowl, drain brush, load brush with either soap or cream, generate lather, lather face, WTG, XTG1, XTG2, either another WTG or an XTG, warm rinse, cold rinse, alum block, clean and put away gear, rinse alum off, apply selected AS (either ASL, ASB or witch hazel, sometimes more than one), apply cologne (if I'm wearing any that day), don shirt, go to work. Total time: 20-40 minutes, depending on how long I linger over coffee and the shave

If I'm in a rush, the routine is somewhat abbreviated: Shower (or not), soak brush, wash face with Musgo Real lime oil soap, apply shave stick, drain brush, face-lather, WTG, ATG1/ATG1+2, warm rinse, cold rinse, alum, clean and put away brush and razor, rinse off alum, witch hazel, ASB, out the door. Total time: 10-15 minutes, depending on if I shower or not.

Let's just say that I don't like to rush my morning. :D
My shaving routine is the same every morning, although if it is a weekend morning I may not shave as quickly as I normally do during the week.
Wow, that's a LOT of preshave oil! I get by with 3 drops, tops.

Yeah, I agree it is. I have the often discussed combo of very sensitive skin and a very thick beard and I get a lot of nicks and irritation if I shave everyday without enough protection.

I've tried the recommended 3-5 drops and it just isn't enough for my face. I could probably get by with a little less but this way I'm assured no irritation and no weepers. It's hard for me to shave closely everyday if I don't use a lot. When I use it, afterwards it doesn't even feel like I've shaved. The oil I use is cheap so why not. I up the dosage of oil and brushless cream in my quick routine to compensate for the tallow cushion which is very protective.
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I usually shave at night, take my time and go all out.

When I can't shave at night from working too late or having one too many (unfortunately, the former happens much more often than the latter), I do a quick routine in the morning. That involved filling the scuttle and soaking my brush during the shower, then getting out and quickly working up a lather with Bigelow then shaving. I can knock off a "good enough" shave in five minutes. Still better than a cartridge and a can of goo.

Otherwise, I like to go through a full routine with a few drops of shave oil, cake soap, alum block, a couple of cold splashes, etc.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I agree with Dr. Frank N. Furter. Nothing is faster than an injector shave.
I don't change anything, as I don't think I've ever rushed a leg shave. I think for leg shaving it's different, as it's hard to rush it. It's not the technique that takes a while, it's just that it's a lot of real estate to shave, so to speak. If I was in a rush and my legs were too unshaven to expose them, I'd wear pants. If they were shaved a day ago, I'd be fine, but more than two days and I'd have to way pantyhose or tights to play it down, or just wear pants. If, for whatever reason, I needed a fast shave, I'd probably do a single, hurried ATG pass with my Gillette Slim set to 5. That should make them presentable, if not particularly close.
Bottom line, yeah.

Those mornings when time is a factor, I'll do a wtg pass and an xtg pass, perhaps omitting the second in real emergencies.

It really undermines the whole point of this site and the wet shaving experience generally, I mean this place is about doing something difficult properly, but life can be like that...

If you were after an "adequate" shave, you probably wouldn't be reading this...

But you can manage one, when needs must.
Quick shave- during shower, Barbasol and a Tech. Good results quick, thanks to the hot water prep.
Slow shave- mug, brush and a Slim. Slower, but slightly better results.
I either shave or I don't, it may not be an option for some. I've gone a week without shaving and had my employer ask " why aren't you shaved?". I respond "I'm growing a beard.", which technically wasn't a lie, since if you don't shave, you do grow a beard. I always find time to shave on payday, usually the night before.
I either shave or I don't, it may not be an option for some. I've gone a week without shaving and had my employer ask " why aren't you shaved?". I respond "I'm growing a beard.", which technically wasn't a lie, since if you don't shave, you do grow a beard. I always find time to shave on payday, usually the night before.

I mostly agree with this concept - my shave routine doesn't really vary; I shave or I don't. I don't generally go a whole week, more like 3x per week rather than every day. My work schedule is fairly flexible and I often shave evenings since I work out after work thus requiring a shower at that time. So I don't rush 'em just takes what it takes. For the record I typically do a 2-pass shave after a shower with a face lathered soap....30 minutes total (shower + shave) but I'm not really timing it.
Yes, my quick routine when I wake up late or feel lazy is called:

Gillette Sensor Excel + Nivea Shave Cream
Normal Routine: Kyle's Prep pre-shower (w/Proraso pre-post), bowl or face lather with either soap or cream, DE (Muhle R89) three passes, CWR.

Fast Routine: Shave in the shower w/Atra, lathering shave cream w/o brush (usually Bigelow/Proraso), two passes.

I can save about 10-15 minutes by combining the shave and shower, and I get good results, but it's not as enjoyable.
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