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Do you have a "Golden" product? Mine is Proraso

No matter how many I try, I cannot get as good a shave with any cream or soap as I do with Proraso. All other things being equal, same razor, blade and brush, Proraso outshines them all for me. I have tried various TOBS, GFT, DR Harris, Cella, P-160, Vintage Colgate and Old Spice, a multitude of Razorocks, Palmolive, Godrej, and a host of others that I can't even recall, and yet none of them match what I get out of Proraso (Green or Red).

This summer, May-September, I used Proraso every single day. And did so gladly, and looked forward to it. And, yet, I attempted the October Highlander Shaving Challenge - one set-up for the whole month - and struggled to get through 2 weeks or so with Cella. I just got bored. And, frankly, the shaves weren't as good as with Proraso despite all other elements of the shave being the same.

So, what about you? Do you have that one item, be it soap, cream, brush, blade, or razor that is your "it" item?

Palmolive Classic cream for me! That always works :)

Proraso Green is terrible, for me at least, but works well for many others.
I *think* so. Who knows how long that'll last though.

Thater 4125/1 brush, Mergress razor and Speick splash.

I still use a couple different brushes, razors and splashes, but I'd be happy to use these three every day. Too many great soaps that I like to narrow it down.
Mine used to be Proraso Red....the green irritated my skin. It may be again after I'm done experimenting. Right now if I "had" to pick one, it would be my Gillette Silver Blue blades. I can get a good shave with them in most every razor I own. Falling right behind that would be my Gillette NEW's. I get a lovely shave from all of them, so far.

For travel or mornings where I have limited time, Cremo Creme is unreplacable in my house. Slick and effective, I can rub it on with my hand and not have to mess with brush, creme, bowl or lather building.
My '34 'Crat.


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So far my favorites have been the Proraso (white) and the TOBS rose cream.

i need to try more stuff though.

I'm afraid to try my proraso again, because I might not like it as much anymore :(
Started with proraso white tub, love the smell. I'll get back to it eventually but will probably end up being a dedicated MWF user. It's also possible that my technique has improved too, so maybe I'll give it another go soon.
My cream, a/s and brush "goldens" are pretty set; I rarely use anything else. I'm still working on finding my ideal razor.

Cream: T&H Ultimate Comfort
A/S: D.R. Harris Sandalwood
Brush: Plisson HMW 16 two-band horn; Simpson (Somerset) CH2 Super 2-band
In my case, Martin de Candre, fougère, is the best soap. Very easy to lather and give a high protection during shaving.
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