No matter how many I try, I cannot get as good a shave with any cream or soap as I do with Proraso. All other things being equal, same razor, blade and brush, Proraso outshines them all for me. I have tried various TOBS, GFT, DR Harris, Cella, P-160, Vintage Colgate and Old Spice, a multitude of Razorocks, Palmolive, Godrej, and a host of others that I can't even recall, and yet none of them match what I get out of Proraso (Green or Red).
This summer, May-September, I used Proraso every single day. And did so gladly, and looked forward to it. And, yet, I attempted the October Highlander Shaving Challenge - one set-up for the whole month - and struggled to get through 2 weeks or so with Cella. I just got bored. And, frankly, the shaves weren't as good as with Proraso despite all other elements of the shave being the same.
So, what about you? Do you have that one item, be it soap, cream, brush, blade, or razor that is your "it" item?
This summer, May-September, I used Proraso every single day. And did so gladly, and looked forward to it. And, yet, I attempted the October Highlander Shaving Challenge - one set-up for the whole month - and struggled to get through 2 weeks or so with Cella. I just got bored. And, frankly, the shaves weren't as good as with Proraso despite all other elements of the shave being the same.
So, what about you? Do you have that one item, be it soap, cream, brush, blade, or razor that is your "it" item?