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Do you feel bad for the poorly shaved?

At work, I notice the poor quality of other people's shaves. Sometimes I feel bad for them. What about you gents?
I'm 23, and I don't notice many bad shaves with my peers. They're more likely to completely forego shaving. I can't honestly blame them. I used to go weeks without shaving before I discovered that there was a better way. The worst part about that is that I'd go two weeks without shaving, realize that it was too thick to shave with a cartridge, and then go another few weeks before I felt like pulling out the clippers. It really did look horrible.

I now cringe when I see guys my age with stubble, or weeks of scraggly looking growth. I wish that they'd realize how bad it really looks. That realization is what ultimately brought me here.
no because everyone has bad shave days how do u know they arent having one. today i shaved half my upper lip didnt notice until it was pointed out i looked so stupid.
nope..I usually find em in the blade aisle at Walgreens..have a "conversation"....watch their eyes widen in curiosity and excitement with my phone pics and stories...:kyle1:
no because everyone has bad shave days how do u know they arent having one. today i shaved half my upper lip didnt notice until it was pointed out i looked so stupid.

my neighbor uses mach3 and canned goo..I saw him walk out of his house in a hurry..1 patch missed on each side of his face...lol
In most cases it's a choice so I have no reason to feel bad.

I have been happily poorly shaved for years.
Nope. But i just don't get it. And it seems to be the younger guys with the most scraggly looking spotty beard growth that do it the most. I mean, if it were Sunday morning and I was getting up leading the Masters Tournament, had one of those half teenager looking part beard growth, and not shave? Look back over the last couple of years in golf tournaments--these guys don't shave! You'd think because there are going to be thousands of cameras focused on you, and you were going to be on national television all day, that you'd want to look your best. Nope. It's a style thing. I suppose I can relate it to when I first started wearing blue jeans all the time in the 60's--jeans were really frowned upon and not accepted in place of slacks, but it was cool, stylish, and I think I was making some sort of statement. Same concept here?
It's funny how your perceptions change. Before I started DE shaving I only shaved one a week and didn't really care how I looked.

Now I DE shave every second night and think I look scruffy towards the end of the second day.

I have passed some websites onto family, friends and some mates at work.

I feel for people who hate shaving that don't know about DE. I wish I knew of it 15 years ago.

I have taken the issue up with my DAD!
At work, I notice the poor quality of other people's shaves. Sometimes I feel bad for them. What about you gents?
You know, not everyone can get a good shave, but so many people believe that they have a right to one. I don't believe that; I don't worry about those people, and I make no apology for that. :letterk1:
Not at all. It's a choice they make. You can make yourself presentable with any razor if you're persistent. It's certainly done more easily, and done better with DE than with a cartridge. I cannot speak of straights, but I expect that is also true. Regardless, I don't believe the majority of non-wetshavers enjoy their shaving as much as we do.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
No. I don't feel bad for them any more than I would feel bad for someone who doesn't shower. The poorly shaven can kiss my wet, floppy Silvertip. They are poorly shaven because to them, it doesn't matter.
Poorly shaven, no. They know not of the "Way".

Ridiculously man-scaped "designer-stubble" wearing guys in suits? Different story.
I don't feel bad... I had good, not close, but good shaves with carts for years.

But I do try to convert! Two colleagues have made the switch and I'm working on a third.
Likely thoughts at work...
  • The task at hand
  • How hot the girl a few desks away is looking
  • How the big game tonight might play out

Unlikely thoughts at work
  • wondering how the guy a few desks away could step outside his door with a such a poor shave
Nope. But i just don't get it. And it seems to be the younger guys with the most scraggly looking spotty beard growth that do it the most.
I don't get it either. My early jobs were public facing positions in retail, followed by a decade behind the scenes in the hospitality industry. I just don't understand guys coming into a shop, office, or data center not being cleaned up and at least business casual in their attire.

I've got a nephew a couple of years out of college who has the most scraggly looking spotty beard growth. I had to look him in the eye and tell him "Dude, you just can't grow a decent beard. Pack it in and shave for a few more years until you can."
Nope.....My co-workers and friends all know that I shave the TRADITIONAL WAY and I have basically all told them if they were interested in the TRADITIONAL WAY than I would be happy to help them out and possibly give them a DE razor with DE blades.

So far... only my brother-in-law was interested and I gave him my nickel plated Gillette Tech, shaving bowl, shaving brush, and about 30 or more Astra SP blades. I also had one co-worker interested but I think he lost interest because he is sporting a beard.

Basically everyone is to in a hurry and just want a super quick shave with a disposable or cartridge razor. Heck they don't even use a brush or soap and prefer the canned goo.

So... I not only say no but HELLZ NO!!! I am just very thankful that I have discovered the only way to shave and that is the TRADITIONAL WAY!!!:thumbup::001_cool:

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