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Do Personna TWIN blades fit on Bump Fighter handles?

I do not know if they will fit the bump fighter handle, but they will fit any handle that takes Trac II style blades. As for shaving, they are OK, although I don't think they are as smooth as the Gillette brand. The big problem I have with the Personnas is that there is no venting between the blades, so they tend to clog. The Gillette Trac II design has spacing between the blades, which helps prevent clogging.
They fit.

I agree that they're not very good. Too bad walMart is no longer carrying the Wilkys. Those were really nice. Shoulda stocked up.
if they fit a Trac II then they will fit a bump fighter handle. I have used several different Trac II cartridges on my bf handle.
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