I just got a jar of Mama Bear Hydrogen. I've been using Provence Sante for years and it generates a really luxurious and thick lather. I'm pretty sure it's a shea butter based soap. It's the only one I've ever used.
This morning, I tried the MB for the first time and while the lather looked as thick as the PS, it did not offer nearly the same amount of cushion. Also, it seemed to break down after the first pass, so I had to start over again.
I'm wondering whether it's a basic difference in soaps, or whether my technique needs to be different for a glycerin-based soap. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing...
This morning, I tried the MB for the first time and while the lather looked as thick as the PS, it did not offer nearly the same amount of cushion. Also, it seemed to break down after the first pass, so I had to start over again.
I'm wondering whether it's a basic difference in soaps, or whether my technique needs to be different for a glycerin-based soap. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing...