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Do brushes retain germs/infections etc.

Hi all,

I have been attempting to fight off what appears to be folliculitis and am looking at all the elements of my shave.

IF (a very big if) all the components of my shave are correct (angle, pressure etc), is it possible that I cannot shake off any infection I may have because it is retained in my brush?


p.s. I do sterilise my blades in pure alcohol between shaves.
Anything not sterilized can be a suspect . Badger hair absorbs water so it can absorb bacteria also .

Anyone see that Myth Buster's show I think it was ? Where they checked the toothbrush out in a dorm room ? Might of been another show . Anyway they found billions of bacteria off those non absorbant nylon brisltes .

Also could be a soap or cream giving you fits . Try some Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap . Fabulous lather and protection rounds out a perfect shave .

Possible be a cologne , after shave , soap or bacteria spoiling the show . Many things could cause it . Look for items geared at sensitive skin .

A shaving brush is constantly saturated in caustic shaving soap, I don't believe this is a good medium for germs and bacteria to grow.

gone down south

It's possible, but given that your brush is soaking in soap and hot water several times per week it's less than probable.
boil it in hot water. Nothing will survive that.

Yup, the brush definitely won't.

Brushes should not be placed in water hotter than you and I might be able to tolerate. Water can potentially scald your skin somewhere above 120F. I've heard many recommend not using water hotter than that on your brush. Yes the bristle/hair can handle the temps but the glue in the knot is a different story.

Boiling is a definite no-no and will probably lead to the destruction of the brush.
Actually I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here that even with all the exposure to soap, sometimes a brush can get nasties in it. I think Barbicide is probably overkill though. How about a little borax?
People have been using shaving brushes for well over probably 300 years and if bacteria were a problem they would have stopped using them long ago. Sure every now and then you hear about someone who blames a brush for a problem no different than any drug can do harm to some people.

Its probably important to rotate brushes so they thoroughly dry between uses.
I'm pretty certain that a brush can harbor bad things. Think of a tooth brush and strep throat.
Yes, a shaving brush is a possible disease vector. If you suspect it, you should sterilize the brush. Shaving brushes made from horse hair carried anthrax spores around WWI.

Report in the NY Times, August 1919.

That said, the chances of a serious infection resulting from an infected brush are small. More likely, your condition is caused by something else. Your own skin flora infecting your pores after mechanical damage by the razor seems more likely. I'd consult a dermatologist also, and leave off wet-shaving until I was cleared up. Wash with some antiseptic soap or pads from the drugstore. Ask the pharmacist for a recommendation.
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